Trieste is not Italy, here's the proof.
For years there was the MTL group which stated that, on the basis of documents, Trieste is not part of the Italian state, but an independent underwent trusteeship. In fact, today I found a PDF on the UN website where Italy is in charge of the provisional government of the Free State of Trieste, a TFT, but it undertook to respect its sovereignty.
However, that the thing stood in these terms had already become clear in 2012, when there was a sentence that in fact had already recognized him . It was already clear then that Trieste's time would come. In fact, in May of that year the Council of State, the highest administrative court in Italy, confirmed that in terms of territorial planning the Port of Trieste is a Free port subject to the treaty of 1954. Basically, us He informed of Trieste Item, the Council of State judgment No.. 2780/2012 in reality it fully confirmed the sentence n. 2677/2009 TAR of Lazio, which recognized the validity of the treaty in that part . But a treaty is not a thing that is worth bits and pieces if there are no new conditions or impeding clauses.
Certainly the Port of Trieste should be since 1954 open to the world, tax-exempt. Now it must be done, He is understood since 2012 that this would have enormous repercussions for the economy, In fact, a few months later, in August 2012, the then President of Lombardy, Formigoni, rushed to Trieste, and declared on video that Trieste would become the gateway to the world towards the Po Valley which would act as a logistic platform for the whole of Europe. On the web I find only this press gaunt.
With the Letta government, Putin also came to Trieste to confirm the fact that the Port was there and was a match.
The words Enrico Letta in front of reporters "Long live Trieste. Free Trieste» with at his side Vladimir Putin, they look differently

But the problem that arises is: there can be free port for the treaty of 1954, without confirmation of the existence of the FTT or Free Territory of Trieste? La TLT, also existed with the military government US, mold well coin, and existed as an independent state, according to the Treaty it would have extended the territory Timava to Mirna, cutting out Slovenia. The Treaty that instituted included a provisional government supervised by the Security Council, and in turn this has submitted him to the trustee but temporary administration of Italy. Here is the document.
Italy, on the other hand, has always declared sovereignty, reaching groped to divide the TLT with Yugoslavia with the Treaty of Osimo 1971.
It is no coincidence that Trieste has experienced a great decline with the Italian Government, because they wanted to weaken it and not make it free, in betrayal of the mandate.
It must be said that the presence of new states complicates things, but one cannot discuss the territorial sovereignty of one state in favor of another without breaking the current world order. The game is hot.
However after the games secrets came to light in 2012, in 2013 a new NGO has come into action, which he first commissioned a study of international jurists, and then managed to get the Russians and the UN to look into the matter, to bring it out in a UN report 2016 that at the moment I do not find.
The game is also tempting for the Chinese and for the rest of the world, because it gives the possibility to unload the goods in Europe without duties and without VAT, because according to the treaty the Free Port is, exactly, tax free.
That's when the 2014 Letta receive Putin in Trieste, pomp, it now seems to me that it was an attempt to avoid the emergence of the TLT issue in the UN. But then many things have happened, and the following year the Russians were in support of the independence of the Free Port.
Italy can now do nothing but comply, now everything has come to light,and upset all balances.
Finally (in the logic of the '54 treaty) is activated PORT OF TRIESTE, the same one that recognizes Trieste which State Independent Timava to Mirna. E’ a state under the trusteeship of Italy, nothing more, and I can not help it.
But this ridiscute the role of Venice, marginalized, and endangers the’ Adriatic that will become a basin full of the garbage of the ships that will bring goods in incredible quantities, without paying taxes. The repercussions on Italy's tariffs will be enormous, but also for Europe.
Now Italy pretends to push for Trieste, but I do not do it for true feeling. Maybe there is more.
In fact what would become the role of Italy if there is a Free Port? A subject logistics TLT? And then how long before the FTT creates its own government (funded by the Chinese or the Russians or others) given that today it is a state under trusteeship and it is necessary to speak with Italy? in 2020 it will be self-governing? in 2022? This self-government is in fact provided for by the same treaty which provides for the Free Port! And once FTT will be self-governed, You could decide to move freight to Slovenia, a l’ Austria or elsewhere… Italy should suffer the decisions of this foreign government.
E’ also an international problem, a UN problem. And in fact, Ban Ki Moon, kindly, before finishing his term, and under pressure from the TriestNgo, he left us a note in which he remembers the existence of the question of the TLT.
This whole match went under everyone's eyes, as seen from the various links, but only very few have been able to read it.
Certainly Italians, the subjects of the government, they didn't understand anything because they weren't made to understand anything as usual. Yet the problem exists and will heavily change investment opportunities.
My friend Luigi tells me not to sow these ridiculous theories, Trieste is Italian. And this is the logic of the Italian Government, to deny the evidence, pretend to have sovereignty. E’ something clearly demonstrated for the TLT.
But it does not surprise me at all, and I ask a question: Given that Italy pretends sovereignty over the FTT which is not Italian territory, it is possible that even the whole of Lombardy-Veneto is not Italian due to illegal annexation, so much so that it was canceled under our pressure ?
That's why I'm talking about Trieste, to show that what I have been saying for over ten years is possible as the reality of Trieste is.
Unfortunately, however, the glorious people of the Veneti have been so trampled on and have suffered such genocide that among them it is easier to find opportunists and traitors than noble warriors.. But as he said that Fiume Veneto, “Semo were few, but ghe the vanteremo“.