Raetia and bacteria
Imagine a beautiful mountain stream that flows into a placid lake and shiny.
The hot day suggest a bath, in fresh water……, you undress and you dive, swimming gently lulled by birdsong………, swimming with your head underwater, you can see the rays of the sun go through it far away in the crystal clear water and get lost in the bottom….
This idyllic picture that every environmentalist dreams, It can be the beginning of a disease.
In fact, swimming in the water you inadvertently inadvertently ingested with the water infected by the parasite Giarda (http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giardia_lamblia) , which it spreads through the feces of infected animals. You will spend many days with diarrhea and perhaps it will catch you a long and lasting denutrition.
Morale ? The idyllic nature does not exist, It is a romantic invention of stupid environmentalism, which in turn derives often by people who have enjoyed the favors an extremely benign nature. Nature is not our enemy, but even we can take too much confidence and we have to respect them. And in any case the divinities Reitia, Gea, Gaia, Jǫrð testify ancient European cultural traditions that suggest this reverence.
In any case, the nature of the logical continuation of life, if a being exaggerated in his “vital space” in a manner disrespectful, the nature automatically provides to reduce it to reason with radical means, For example with the evolution of a species that countership it. If you don't like the idea of a thinking nature, See it as the simple effect of counterbalanced mechanisms aimed at maintaining the homeostasis of the complex system. For practical purposes the two concepts are equivalent, nothing changes.
The man exaggerated in his relationship with nature, continues to exaggerate. The indiscriminate and stupid use of antibiotics, Pollution of fossil combustion and chemical-industrial pollution, the abuse of drugs, nuclear radiation and perhaps even the microwave (ovens, mobile phones, satellites, WiFi etc.), chemicals that “we absorb” through clothing, the food, objects, plastics, They are bringing upon “selection” forced.
Already now there are several outbreaks of diseases in the world, bacterial but also viral, that they were thought eradicated, but which antibiotics have simply reinforced or changed.
One particular on bacteria: they reproduce in 20 minutes, in a now evolve as three human generations, In one day they make the equivalent of 1400 years of the human species. Since the man appeared on earth and evolved from almost animal to almost be interplanetary, The bacteria have made the equivalent of this entire evolution of man for 90.000 times each year.
The surviving bacteria to antibiotics, such as tuberculosis, Another species have been changed so much so much to have to be considered ontologically, practically the aliens with respect to the original shape, and they have become resistant to antibiotics on the market. It has been discovered that bacteria between loco communicate, even between different types, AND “peddling” Resistance Information, and they have now returned with several outbreaks around the world.
There is nothing strange in the fact that some diseases that were believed to return to eradicated: It is not the fault of immigration, nor of the little vaccination, but simply of the use imbecile that has made itself and continues to make antibiotics.
All this had already been announced by several studies, and already in 2007 I read a book that foretold what is happening now. Scientifically planned.
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science, in its claim to omnicomprensione and domination, which is theoretical claim, It will probably also tell us that he will solve the problem, Because science aims to overcome any knowledge including the philosophical and religious ones. And scientists, often little more than machinery technicians, They tell us that they will succeed.
Theoretically and theoretically science will save us from diseases,And in fact new antibiotics have already been discovered that kill resistant bacteria, pity that even kill the patient.
All the consequence mainly of the stupid and ignorant use of antibiotics by corrupt people and doctors, encouraged by “awards” on a prescription. When I wrote this text there were no open investigations as I am now.
The fact is that for years in some European states for years we begin to prohibit the use of antibiotics outside the hospital.
What all this suggests? That principle must always be present “precaution” and not just listen to pharmaceutical lawsuits, the oil companies, the financial, chemical and industrial companies, medical career, especially if directly involved, because they will make those afterwards pay the bill.
To decide what choices to make the Venetian Republic used a certainly better system than that “Democratic” current.
It worked like this: everyone could intervene in parliamentary debate, Rather, especially members of the trade were to be heard as experts and connoisseurs of matter. But then, at the time of the vote, They could not vote at all who had business interests in that particular field, and indeed, to be sure, They could not vote nor their relatives.
Try to imagine justice reform: They could not vote for too many lawyers and the judiciary in politics, could not vote for legal professionals, And only citizens will remain foreign to vote wisely because they are disinterested.
On not vote doctors vaccines, especially those corrupted by the drug companies, and producers, and their consultants.
Too forward the Venetian Republic, It is too simple for a country of mafias as the current one is.
What does Retia have to do with it ? At the Venetians it was the mother divinity before Christianity, a religion, but also a philosophy of life. I do not know much, but Retia wondered the grace of Health many centuries before Christianity. I incuroscisce also that (Today the Pope Francis sanctifies the little shepherds of Fatima comes this question) To appear in the form of divinity is always a woman.
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