Pediatric vaccines trigger allergy genes, asma, cancer and disrupt the immune system.
Nell’ excerpt below from a conference by 2014 Dr. Suzanne Humphries talks about a study that showed that pediatric diphtheria vaccines, tetanus, polio, and others activate 67 genes linked to cancer, 25 genes related to the immune system, and activate 33 genes linked to allergies e 66 asthma-related genes. This does not mean that diseases will be certain, but that the Russian roulette of the environment and of life are more likely to win these possibilities of disease. And if you get cancer a 50 you go to think that it was the vaccines of 45 years before giving him the opportunity ?
since 2017 on this site I have indicated and explained several other studies that demonstrate how vaccinated children are in poor health compared to non-vaccinated children: suffer more from behavioral and learning disorders, they suffer more from respiratory diseases and overall make use of health services much more often. not enough, in 2009 Japan suspended pediatric vaccinations for two years and suddenly the cot deaths affecting recently vaccinated children were eliminated, typically in the first week, but also months later. The same phenomenon was found when lockdowns prevented pediatric vaccinations.
Access to health databases would be enough to demonstrate this link between vaccines and diseases, and therefore between illness and death. And I think that soon someone will propose again what the doctor had discovered . Mayer, that is, vaccines favor myopia and death from shock, as they damage the nerves in general .
And on the other hand, what else can a neurotoxicant like aluminum do, an adjuvant never tested and authorized for human use?? This is worse than mercury as at least that could be slowly eliminated from the body.
In the meantime, the data from Dr. Weakfield who associated autism with vaccines have been more than confirmed, in spite of the Jesuit Wikipedia which continues to define them as a fraud.
If you are a parent and you don't care about all this science, You might as well leave your child in the company of pedophiles or cannibals.