UCC, on the other hand, is only a proposal for a commercial code to which each US state has given differentiated adhesion ?
UCC, on the other hand, is only a proposal for a commercial code to which each US state has given differentiated adhesion “freedom” with the absence of a state, that is, with the absence of rules and taxes. UCC, on the other hand, is only a proposal for a commercial code to which each US state has given differentiated adhesion, and every state is ultimately a problem. They often define themselves “liberals” but I prefer to consider their aspiration like “anarchist”. AND, because for me a state without rules it is not a state, while the company needs a minimum of common services, for example those of security and justice. If there are no essential services, What a person who suffers a theft should do ? He should do justice on his own ? Here the absence of state is anarchy, So to avoid it it takes a government, A security apparatus, Independent judges, And someone who pays the costs. WhenAll this does not exist the normal individual is reduced in most cases to remain in his starting condition, While the best does not go to power (how logical it would be to think) but the most delinquents and violent (as has been practically and historically shown). In short, the existence and respect of the essential rules ( So reasonable rules, non oppressive, who do not create caste and gangs etc.) they serve good people to cultivate freedoms , And they are an obstacle to people who move in power and overpowering as it happens in nature. In nature, in fact, there is no “freedom” which is able to develop an advanced company, In “nature” People are subject to the non -irrigated field and non -organization of work, and die with the famines. If you think about it, I throw it there without explaining too much, The paradox is that liberalism is anti -liberal, and the “natural right” It is a non-member because it reduces man to the beast. Well yes. And with this I will be done others 100 Enemies between libertari and liberalists. WHO CARES ! I am not on the wrong side of the story as has shown the failure of the system of the last ones have, which was held up with purely socialist recipes.
Instead some types of assistance (As well as the healthcare – without waste of course) make the same company work better, ensuring not only more well -being for everyone, but favoring as much as possible’ individual expression. It is not the only case, Today we are in a hypercompless company that requires great government skills, And for years and years of study are needed, It is not enough to be elected. We are at the end of democracy ? Surely yes yes. At least the “Democracy” He is comparing himself with the China Central Central Party system, And he is losing.( In reality it is not the “Democracy” which is being compared, But this system based on bank wear). I do not share the idea that the less rules are a guarantee of freedom, Nor the idea that many rules, quibble and heavy, they serve to guarantee more well -being. E’ clear and simple even for a child who the rules needed must be and those that are not needed are damage. Too complicated ? It really seems yes for the liberals and the socialists (which include national socialism or “fascism”, and real socialism or “communism”). Instead, within me I cultivate the idea of a state like “service” to the citizen. Obvious that for the aim that there is a “service” taxes must be paid, but it is obvious that the very efficient and useful concept of state implies that the minimum of the necessary taxes must be paid, and that in a modern society they are paid by everyone because there are many services. Hor lived beyond 1 year in such a state, in Belgium. In that country thatThe state must be a useful thing to everyone is a fact even to be discussed, As the Rhorse -old or inefficient public employee is not acceptable. There is no one that an assistant is not fired. There are no different salaries from the private individual. A university professor work as an employee and takes only double, non 3 times as in Italy to work 200 hours a year. All this, reality in Belgium as in many other places, It is actually an idea “veneta” of the state: We were the first and we were for about 5 centuries, half a millennium. It seems impossible , it is unacceptable for those who feel Italian, But we Venetians were the Sweden of Europe today and at the same time Germany of today as regards political and cultural influence. E’ Obviously the idea of the state as a service implies the concept of contribution, And this requires that everyone is called to pay, First of all those who pay them today do not pay them. What the Italian state does instead ? Always pays the same and more and more, than in the end (how is it happening) papitano. That's why the state today wants to call prostitutes to contribute, Light drug traffickers, But not yet the banks and mafias etc. etc.. , Because it no longer makes it to survive by always squeezing the same, Which in the meantime are collapsed. The DNA of the Italian State has not changed, does not fight waste, It is not guided by the principles of doing better and well by spending the minimum. When and if you can (will not happen) will return to waste as before. Instead I keep myself l’ Ideal conception of the Veneto state, But I am aware that Italy is not this and it will never be. The conception that the state is an enemy (which is non -Venetian) It is a sad Italian truth. In my opinion, the Venetians and the Lombards are reduced to poor exploited by the Italy system because they have not yet accepted the idea that their state died. In their culture they have always thought that , even in stolenias , the state was a “service” to the citizen, somehowstill believing that he is dealing with a state like what he ruled them. They did not notice instead that “Italy” E a rapacious state, robber, criminal, born from an illegal invasion, which has already robbed them several times, brought them to 2 war, And it is still robbing them. Those who think they go to Rome to save Italy (or simply himself) He did not understand that Italy is not reformable because the Italian state has an invading bird of prey. We will also remain without underwear before understanding it ?