A bill (PDL) by Loris Palmerini The development of the epidemic and the forecasting model See PDF https
The benefits for the Veneto area of the Regional Banks have already begun even before the PDL becomes law.
Starting a few weeks after the presentation of the regional law proposal establishing the register of “Banks in regional” (see www.repubblica.info – pDL Banks) You have seen these effects :
– Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (majority public ownership)Â opened a “front office” in the region to finance enterprises at subsidized rates
– regional and national politics in Veneto have begun to talk about the need to finance businesses at low rates in light of the fact that the ECB has been providing zero-rate credit for years
– There are several regional calls for zero-rate financing for companies
– there are regional calls “lightning” for the financing of researchers and innovators in companies
. in late July a judgment ruled that “kissed operations” of popular were illegal and therefore investors will be compensated
Therefore, just having presented the idea of the register of regional banks that has existed since 40 years in Trentino- Alto Adige and has important effects on the territory , and then having deposited the bill in the Region forced the system to align , because all these things can be done and politics cannot and does not want to leave the ball in the hands of innovators. That's why we find even limited cooperation in certain devices.
However, if the PDL is not supported and approved, Veneto will soon return to the economic crushing it has suffered in recent decades.
Similarly , every Region that wants to free itself from internationalist banking oppression just has to contact me and I will draw up the PDL for its region. We can free ourselves, dont believe the clowns.