Andrea Tavini has
reported on Facebook a writing by Antonella Todesco concerning the last days of the Republic of Venice, or better, of the aristocratic form of government.
“THE BEGINNING OF THE END… Nell’ April 1797 Lippomano writes to his son-in-law Querini: “It is not necessary for me to give you the details of our misfortunes, I would increase the pain, and to me the sense of emotion. How could he have expected so much fatality and so violent to proceed over the poor, innocent and always sacrificed Venetians, who did everything in order not to be destroyed. There are French everywhere up to Fusina and Mestre. On Sunday in Fusina the hostilities began and the bombs and cannon fire began. You can imagine the emotion of the whole city, and this continues still fomented by all the military internal defenses. Armed slaves everywhere, cannons in Piazza San Marco.“
THE 4 May Lippomano rewrites at Querini, before the Maggior Consiglio was called to vote (on this day d’ disgrace), the decree that granted the arrest of the three Inquisitors and Pizzamano: “We no longer have a government, everything is finished, and the exercise of all authority suspended. The Senate does not meet (because Bonaparte said he doesn't want the Senate), not the Council of Ten, the authority of the Inquisitors' Tribunal has already been destroyed and the three individuals sacrificed to the Fatherland. This immense and bloody sacrifice had to be made in order to save the city and population from iron and fire. Everything is sacrificed for this’ object, constitution , honor, state, nor would I be able to find myself quiet where I write. Bonaparte also wanted this glory and triumph to enter Venice with his troops. I hope he does not succeed, willing as we are to give everything…There is no need for me to describe the state of Venice and the pain and tears of all.. Molmenti”.
Angelo Manolli on FB replied: “A serious government would be transferred into exile and by force “from the sea” started a real fight against the Corsican bastard and they would have the help of the British. Gone Napoleon, we would have our republic, instead we have the bastards“.
I answered : “
Angelo Manolli, the Venetian institutions were infiltrated by Freemasonry and Jacobins, it is too easy to judge what to do without having been there at that moment. Unfortunately, civilizations sometimes end up not through their own incapacity, but for the arrival of well-armed and bloodthirsty barbarians who crush you in numbers. E’ happened to the Egyptians, and the Greeks, ai Romani, the Venetians, to the Persians and also to the Chinese and Tibetans. probably, do the math and count the guns, any resistance would probably have been useless, or it would have led to the destruction of Venice anyway and then to make us easy prey for others anyway. I'm not sure the British would have helped us, I fear Napoleon was also financed by them, and Napoleon, on the other hand, had no scruples. It must be remembered that from the League of Cambrai the power and wealth of Venice were certainly coveted by many: the financial system to the Austrians, dominion over the seas to the English, the wealth and the international role of the French etc.. So in the end with the resistance I'm afraid we wouldn't have saved anything anyway, a Pyrrhic victory. I don't know because I wasn't there. Certainly it would be necessary to return to the descendants of the Pisans the proceeds of the collaborationism that delayed the resistance. Certainly France will have to give us back the stolen goods in the Louvre and elsewhere, taken illegally. Said this, from the story it is clear that the Venetian institutions already on 4 May 1797 they were blocked. Napoleon probably knew that the Great Council did not have the competence to deliberate the war, but the Senate, which was a fundamental organ and the true “government” of the Republic. At this point, given the military situation, we can say that the resolution of 12 May 1797 lacking the requirement of freedom, so it doesn't matter if he had a quorum, the Republic being already militarily defenseless under the international law of the time (and in fact) it had become the property of Napoleon. In fact the Maggior Consiglio, if you read, did not end the Republic, transformed it, adopting the governance model “municipal” (ie Napoleonic) and recognized Napoleon himself as the new Head of State. I have been criticized for pointing out these things, because it takes away a certain romanticism, and obviously for me it was not a good page, but maybe it wasn't really bad for the future, The point is that all these movements each claim to be legitimized to act in the name and on behalf of the entire Veneto population. What is important to understand and underline is that the Veneto state is not actually dead on 12 May 1797, it has only changed form of government and owner. E’ a lie that the state of the Veneti ended on 12 May 1797, Rather, the new masters, the Asburugo, to which Napoleon surrendered us after having stripped and massacred us, for known reasons of conflict with the Venetian administration, in 1805, with the Wallis decree (Habsburg) they restored the Venetian Aristocratic Institutions from the date of 1797, thus canceling the municipal form. However the new head of state, the Emperor of Habsburg,who had it legally, it didn't stop there. In Campoformido he signed the treaty, that unless denied he had the international legal right to do so, no matter what nostalgics unable to understand the law say. Because the fact is that at that time and up to 1840, did not exist yet, in international law, the right of peoples to self-government, that is, the right to speak out on the annexations and transfers of states. Then in 1816, always in accordance with international law, the Emperor of Habsburg merged his two other neighboring possessions with the Venetian state, the Duchy of Milan and the Duchy of Mantua, changing the name of the state from Veneto to Lombardo-Veneto. We are always talking about the Venetian State, the former Republic of Venice, which later became Lombardy-Veneto. Two were created to manage it “regions”: The region Veneto (up to Triese) and Lombardy, thus Lombardy was born which does not correspond to a historical identity, but to a Habsburg administrative region. Then when in the 1866 there was the Treaty of Vienna of 3 October, the sovereignty of this state (all in one piece because Milan has never voted to become Italian) was recognized, and theoretically the sovereignty of Lombardy-Venetia was handed over to the legal representatives, councilors of Venice, which was still the state capital, continuation of the Republic of Venice. At that time, sovereignty was temporarily held by France, that precisely, he played the role of guarantor, but instead of handing it over to legitimate representatives, the sovereignty was handed over to three figureheads of the Savoy, De Betta, Michiel, Keller. It had been the Commissioner of the Kingdom of Italy, Thaon de Revel, to go along with a secret death committee so that it would come to this, he told us about it in his memoir. The Kingdom of Italy had infiltrated the Venetian institutions , not yet of the Kingdom,creating a puppet government, so that the French Commissioner did not notice that he was violating international law and the he had sovereignty handed over to an illegal government. In fact iThe Puppet Government immediately gave sovereignty to the Italian Commissioner, before the vote in violation of the treaty. To hide the incident, the Italian Commissioner entrusted his own puppet government with the provisional government, and a fake vote was organized. But the reality is that the votes were managed and falsified by the Kingdom of Italy, and it is all null and void because their soldiers voted, while in Lombardy (beyond the 50% of the population of Lombardy-Venetia then and today) not even allowed to take the fake vow . We have well documented all this,and we took him to court in 2006, the judge could not affirm sovereignty. And it is for this and no other reason that Italy canceled the annexation with the law 212/2010, and from January 1st 2013 Italy no longer even has the title because the legally void Plebiscite was canceled by themselves as due. Because we don't already govern ourselves? Because there are disturbing movements that help to maintain the confusion and the state of Italian occupation. But we are already juridically sovereign and we will soon free ourselves in fact with the Plan Z path. Follow us in www.lombardo-veneto.net/Z. The history of Venice and the Venetians will therefore continue in us.”