The vaccination Religion does not admit infidels: Lorenzin wants censorship
E’ needless to scramble to prove with science and with the logic that the tenets of a religion are unfounded.
In fact, religion is not a rational discourse, but an act of faith. For the “believer” those who question the dogmas of religion are simply the infidels, and by that very fact they are not credible, They are deceived by a malignant or their deception themselves.
In fact every religion defines good and evil and establishes a moral, often including sexual. Whoever violates the precepts is not worthy of being listened to, be marginalized, or enslaved. When this “deafness” get to lose even the minimum of human empathy, Then the faithful comes to burn or kill the unfaithful, if necessary, you do agree that the mass graves with so many infidels or even massacres like attacks.
But in the history skeptics he has never killed anyone for his beliefs.
That said, in general, It is quite clear that the theory of vaccinations is a religion, and as such it is dangerous.
In fact, for example, for many years there have been numerous scientific research that demonstrate the harmfulness of the adjuvant aluminum contained in vaccines, the correlation of it with an impressive series of pathologies. And although there are many distinguished scientists “official” that talk about (come Shaw, Exley, gherardi, Schoenfeld etc. etc) and will publish the issue, The Vaccines Religion is not tarnished, if anything its claims by “excommunication” of those in ordinary practice tries to refer to that science that is official. For more were The few ridiculous research on the safety of aluminum adjuvant also recently refuted.
When I talk about “Science” I refer to research published in well-known journals, which were not contested and are also listed in the official database. Personally, I draw mainly from pubmed. E’ true that there are many other studies that demonstrate the same things but they are not present in PUBMED, and this does not prove that investigations are not valid, But only that there is no research for those research “crisma” of the official acceptance of the government authority. In short, I made the choice “Policy” not even trying to compare myself on the ground in some way acknowledging a kind of “power” the scientific unscientific bureaucracy. I admit that this is incorrect from a scientific point of view, But I don't have the resources or a salary to be able to forward me to that open sea, and it would not help even in the face of religious. On the other hand, this is a job that hundreds of researchers paid by taxpayers should do.
So in my blog, on the topic of vaccines, you will find only official science and uncontested.
as mentioned, It is completely scientifically evident that aluminum in vaccines is a real threat to humanity, reusing the phrase of Nobel Montagner who strikes the vaccines in full, however.
But there are the fanatics of the vaccine Religion, i corrotti, who do not tolerate that calls into question the dogma.
For example, the minister Lorenzin (a government approved by hundreds of non-elected) Yesterday he embodied how well the violent and intolerant “religion” of vaccines: He asked the Mayor of Modena to ban the private screening of a film freely available on the internet, Vaxxed, which is the history of the corruption of the American CDC, of the “cover up” some data on the link between vaccinations and autism spectrum, with a series of interviews with mothers who had her son vaccinated, because the autistic syndrome mainly affects males and especially those of color.
The Mayor of Modena responded that “he did not have the power” these are private screening.
And it has the power Lorenzin ? Can prohibit that they see things? Can subvert the freedom of information of Article 21 of the Constitution? Can deny human law a “freely receive information without interference of the Authority” the Convention on human rights ?
The mayor lost the opportunity to send it to fuck and prove sensitive to the fundamental values of civil life.
However, we thank Lorenzin for the great advertisement that he made to the screening and the film Vaxxed who can freely look at the net.
But there is a problem : If on the one hand it is clear that Lorenzin, or better, the religion that has indoctrinated him, It is a danger to itself and for others ( because if he can speak he can do it thanks to those democratic freedoms that she herself puts at risk), It is also evident that there is the continuous and systematic attempt not to give space, to belittle and hide the facts about certain aspects of certain vaccinations.
In fact there are deaths and serious damaged by vaccination which are official and are paid by taxpayers (it's here, please allow me, It is not correct and manufacturers should pay as for all commercial products) So it cannot be denied that they do not exist.
but yet, despite all the evidence, We try to reverse the reality of the facts, and accuse the skeptics on vaccines as if they were fanatics.
Accomplices media that sooner or later will have reporters with damaged children, and in fact they are including supporting “mandatory training” on the topic, worse than under fascism and communism.
I found even a search “scientific” in which Those who speak of a link between vaccinations and autistic syndrome are assimilated to ISIS terrorists. But not as a research demonstration, as a hired , Once again, dogmatic. Rather, the authors are of forensic psychiatrists, officially vaccinations know the same as a person who has never informed himself. Obviously these did not possess the problem that ISIS kill and makes it common while skeptics on vaccines normally read some books on the matter or have had cases in the family of damaged.
This research therefore starts from the assumption that those who support the vaccine-autism bond is like terrorists. Authors should seriously consider changing jobs because obviously have no understanding of psychology.
With this fully proves my first statement: Religion is not a rational discourse, but an act of faith. For the “believer” those who question the dogmas of religion are simply the infidels, and by that very fact they are not credible and are deceived by a malignant or their deception themselves.
Beware you who judge too easily so-called “no vax”, Just because they don't belong to your belief: admitting their existence, denying them the right to speak, authorizing and applauding people like Lorenzin, You will end up losing your own freedom.
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