the Veneto Region Elections incompatible with the Treaty of Lisbon (and unconstitutional)
THE 1 DECEMBER 2009 The Treaty of Lisbon entered into force. With it the Italian State has been reduced to a simple "region" of a Super State called the "European Union". In fact, the main matters that characterize a "State", as the defense, Justice and the coin, have become primary and exclusive competence of the European Union.
The union today has the skills of "Security and justice without internal borders", “Free movement of people together with appropriate measures for how much
concern the checks at external borders " , the kindergarten, immigration, the prevention of crime and the fight against the latter, the internal market, Price stability, a social market economy
strongly competitive, It fights social exclusion and discrimination, and it promotes justice and protection
social, The equality between women and men, solidarity between generations and protection of the rights of the minor, economic cohesion, social and territorial, and solidarity between Member States, cultural and linguistic diversity, Economic and monetary union whose money is the euro, the protection of human rights, in particular of children's rights, and
strict observance and the development of international law, in particular to the respect of the principles of
Charter of the United Nations.
In short, internal and external security, Justice, the economy and competition of the markets, the coin, sociality, The work and many others are today main functions of the European Union. Just think that there is now only one foreign minister for the whole union, that former ministers are stolen wages. And even more, States have signed the renunciation to sue the union outside the Union, that is, they have renounced the international personality.
Another great change that brought the Lisbon Treaty is the fact that the Union has joined the Council of Europe, that is, he actually put on the constitutional level of the important mechanisms of human rights protection, and responds for the damage and violations of human rights of itself, but also of the member states for common materials. in 1998 I had indicated to the Commission itself this gap, and I had threatened the internal secession of the Venetians when the European Constituent Assembly threatened to violate even the UN rights. Instead Now we can relax on the home front. Much more than before since Italy has never respected the human rights of the Venetians concretely, but only on paper. It is no coincidence that Italy has the even worse in gabon, and it is systematically condemned worse than the Turks.
in conclusion, Italy died, In l'Italia.
But now we play hard. With the Lisbon Treaty, the "national minorities" have become a subject of law protected by the same union, In short, the matter of union.
The "Veneto people" as well as known, It is recognized by the constitutional law Art.2 L.N.340/1977, which also recognizes the right of "self -government", a national minority, therefore,.
Italy has always slammed, as it was invading from the beginning. And now ? The union will be available to pay the damages produced still today by the Italians ?
For example, I recently found a law that protects the Venetian people as a minority, an Act of 1997 which guarantees very extensive rights, as bilingualism, even in schools and public offices, the bilingual road signs, right to language in courts, right to display written in Venetian language, entitled to the reserved spaces in language communication and even entire television frequencies and language newspapers. Not only, preferred channels for political participation and the certainty of being present at any business conduct that affect them, including reforms.
It is to smile (or cry) to rethink also the recent events organized to "ask" these rights, and the great emphasis given to the "recognition" of the Venetian language made in 2007 Veneto Regional Council: all due and other USELESS.
What was asked by the Venetians in the last 13 GIA was years’ THE LAW 1997 !
For those who follow me, I'm saying something new , which will certainly accelerate the events and the achievement of rights even more. These are things that you will soon see professed by the usual pests political tricksters, but without that they can justify these 13 years of inaction.
All these rights are obviously denied, that is, there is the violation of the Council of Europe legislation on the protection of minorities. We have the evidence that the rights of the Veneto people are systematically trampled by beyond 13 years.
Since there is this law and it applies to the Venetian people, already about twenty (23 !) Magistrates have preferred to deny that there is a law recognizing the Venetian people, saying that the "self -government of the Venetian people" phrase actually refers to the residents!
Proof that Italy does not respect its own laws, But in reality since residents are also immigrants without voting rights, However, the magistrates recognized that the self -government of the Venetian people is not the self -government of the Veneto Region. in conclusion, although in a totally ridiculous, This interpretation of magistrates legitimizes even more the claims of the self -government of the Veneto people , that is, the right to represent itself with its own institutions, beyond and beyond the regional administration, because it is recognized as the only entity capable of representing the Venetian people in its completeness (residents) , while the region accounts for only voters Italian citizens resident !
However, the fact remains that the regional electoral law is not compatible with the legislation of 1997 of the Council of Europe as it does not guarantee the "Venetian people" to be present with their own lists as it is due.
THE 30 DECEMBER 2009 I asked the Regional Committee to guide Galan respect for international law on minorities, Also specifying that the regional electoral law violates international conventions that protect the "Venetian people" as a minority as it does not guarantee the participation of the representatives of the Veneto people in the electoral process with a preferential channel as happens in Val d'Aosta, south Tyrol, Slovenia etc..
The council of Veneto, galan, He has not acted, even if recalled several times, even disappeared certified mail PEC. In short, the Human Rights of the Venetians were screwed which are instead protected by the Lisbon Treaty, but already before from the Constitution to Article 2
And to think that the Veneto Regional Council has already recognized in 1998 The international legal personality of the Veneto people and its right of self -government and self -determination.
He acknowledged as existing, not created. It was the resolution 42/1998, and among others to sign it there was just too Galan ! As known, the era Galan has closed itself, But I fear that history will condemn it as a decade in which human rights of the Venetians have been denied, at the international level, that does not always emerge in the meantime other anecdote .
E’ came to light after some time the cimbri already, The Ladin people and other minorities had asked the same thing in Galan 2008, being completely ignored. So it demonstrates a practice.
Anyway, for a moment I had no doubt that to handle the issue of the electoral law should be the Regional Council, This is how February 8 2010 I also asked the regional council to amend the electoral law to make it compatible with the provisions of the above mentioned law. Suddenly instead, I seized by a strange rush, They decided to close the Legislature well 4 days in advance, days that were available to address and resolve the problem peacefully. Sin, But on the other hand, some resolutions on landfills and various others that would have been an ecological tragedy for the Veneto is not also proceeded.
View this reaction, taken from the emphasis of the cyclostile, I also wrote to the President of the Republic 20 February, informing him that, being right-duty of the Republic, remedy the regional authority in the substitute, failure to implement the International Convention rendered null and void the election of the regional Veneto.
As we know, not only Scalfaro (napolitano) He did not respect the human rights of the Venetians, but he even allowed the government to put his hand to the law without however solving the problem.
The court heard no reasons, And now the question is to the Council of State, who will ruin the 23 April.
Here we, the question is: if Palmerini asked to be heard ?
What do you legitimize Palmerini to ask for the cancellation of the elections ?
The theme "Who represents the Venetian people" was clarified by the Constitutional Court in 2007. When the Sardinia Region attempts the self -determination of a constituent of the Sardinian people, The Constitutional Court has definitively sanctioned that a "region" is only a peripheral body of the state, bound in the purposes and tasks by state law, and therefore it cannot represent a "people"; In fact, the peoples, like the Venetian people, are subjects of international law, not of national law.
This is why only the self -government of the Venetian people can represent the Venetian people in internal and internationally, and what country other than majority in the Italian Republic .
According to the international agreement signed by the Republic over 10 years ago and ratified by Law n.302 / 1997, The "Venetian people" has the right to the same protections which are recognized to the South Tyrolean of Bolzano, that means:
an electoral system protected for representatives who adhere to the registry office of the Venetian people
the right to newspapers, TV and radio frequencies in the Venetian language
bilingual road signs
Bilingual schools and administrations with reservation of seats for the Venetian
right to manage immigration policies.
Even more
The law provides for specific acts due for the administration, acts that the Executive and Regional Council over the years years ignored.
That's why we are waiting for the cancellation of the elections, that the Council of State will sentence the 23 April.
Someone will certainly smile on the concrete possibility of canceling the regional elections.
But I have to take away his smile reminding him that with the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, human rights and minority rights were strongly strengthened, that they are protected directly in the Treaty. With it the Venetian people have many more possibilities to see their rights recognized, And finally the Italian Republic will also be forced to give up the colonies.
In fact, the union is now competent for the protection of the Veneto people, And I believe that the Germans have no interest in maintaining cultural oppression, legal and economic on the Veneto and Lombardy-Veneto, because from a European point of view, The self -government of the Venetian people is only an account of the internal accounting. It will mean that our money will still arrive at Europe, even if we should no longer pay the parasitism of an Italy that has failed and close to bankruptcy. I believe that Europeans are convinced that should salvage, The production engine of Europe, Lombardy and Veneto under administration of Self-Government.
in conclusion, the Venetian people now has a future to their rights thanks to the Lisbon Treaty has strengthened them very.
In short, it will be thanks to the action that the self -government of the Venetian people are making if they will soon have bilingualism, TV and newspapers in the Venetian language, and an important presence of the Venetian component in administration and politics. Just plagiarism and green flags.
The Venetian people is expressed and represents through its own self-government institutions, and self -government operating as a representative of the sovereign subject "Venetian people" acts within the internal and international legality as the only legal and legitimate representative of the Venetian people recognized by the same.
The Region Presidents, if they put him in the lead, Governors are not, but yes and no sub-prefects of government, I say "sub" because there is also a true regional prefect called Commissioner to the Government of the Region, who does not even have the mange of having to manage the affarucci of the ordinary administration, He is a true governor there to prevent the presidents of the regional body from making some tears: The regional presidents are not even granted the regional management of a drug, let alone the rest .
The Italian state might say that it is for him the representation of the Venetian People
as the territory of Lombardo-Veneto is his own, But I have already written in the 2006 to my website and published in 2007 the demonstration that the plebiscite 1866 On the Lombard-Veneto is null in international law, and for many reasons. one reason, For example, and that in 1866 The entire "Lombardy" in violation of the Treaty did not vote, and it was the majority of the population.
Some certainly don't like the idea that the Venetian people can self -government, And we have witnessed and witness a whole series of attempts to pass the concept that the Veneto state will be as big as the current Veneto region, it being understood that you want to convince the people of various areas that are not Venetian and that would be better off with Friuli or with Trentino.
But instead I know that when these people will understand that we are only recovering the story of a government that has never oppressed them, certainly they will not believe these wishful thinking.
In any case, no one has the right to oppose the self -government of the Venetian people by denying the human rights of the Venetians such as those to bilingualism denied by 13 years in scarring of the laws of the Council of Europe. Does anyone have the courage to say that he was not asked ?
E’ certain that the Venetians will soon see their rights, Because continuing to deny them would produce a world catastrophe on the level of law. Faced with their proven denial, what would they say other dictatorships when accused of the same atrocities ?
For example, What Iran will say in the face of the request for respect for international "legality" when it will be known that the international law does not apply to the Veneto people who are held slave and forced to transfer its national income for the 70%?
What China would say in the face of the American request to respect the "human rights" of the Tibetans?
If the Council of State 23 April will say no all’ annulment of the elections of the Veneto, it will clearly show that Italy has no internal law and beats about the international one. But Italy has already died, it no longer even has the foreign function. E’ The union that speaks for everyone.
That's why when it is the turn of the Council of Europe Council to decide whether human rights are something existing or only belly to be trimmed to the Arabs and the Chinese, The credibility of the whole union and the West itself will be played.
Also because if we are forced to go to the Court of Human Rights, then we shall also bear the issue that the Government and the President of the Republic violated the Constitution by putting hand to the regional electoral law, which instead is reserved for the Regions by art.122 of the Constitution .
in conclusion , The Council of Europe will be called on the one hand to cancel all the Veneto elections from 1997 onwards for violation of the rights of the national minority "Popolo Veneto", but it will also be called to the cancellation of the elections 2010 di Lombardia, Lazio and other regions that have not adopted their own election law, Because the Government has validated their skills by violating the "European self -government card of the Veneto people". If you look stupid, The latter law is even respected in Russia, and it allowed that with federalism prevented the dissolution of Russia after 1990.
What the Council of Europe will do ?
He will lose his face by throwing the mask for the entire West ? It will legitimize the abuse of each dictator by throwing the world into chaos ?
The entire West is willing to lose its only legitimacy deriving from the fundamental principles of "State of law", "Human rights" and "democracy" in order to deny the human rights of the Venetians?
The Venetian question is the cornerstone of Europe, Just as the Venetian Republic is its own cultural root much more than the Christian one. Indeed, If it were for the Church, the Pope would be the president of the European Union
For the Venetians, on the other hand, it has always been true that the Church must be taken into due account and respecting their respective roles, but subject to the needs of the state to be secular not to become dictatorship. This is what we have practiced for many centuries teaching it to the world.
Europe and the West are willing to deny all their history to deny the history of the Venetian people and its right of self -government ?
The Pope understood that it is a turning point, The time of a "cultural exodus".
An era of static and denial of rights by politics is about to end, It is ending a criminal way of conceiving the institutions. Even the economic crisis induced by the banking atrocities requires us to rethink the mechanisms of the State Mint that were Venetian Republic.
The Venetian people not only have a radiant future in the law but will soon be recognized that once it was much more they develop than the contemporary is not.
For the Venetian people, however, there is instead the need that he identifies himself to himself and in his identity as a people, It is united or not to be to a European region like Italy acts as a sovereign subject who does not lie to the fake rules cut on to annihilate it but instead invoke the rights of all peoples. If it doesn't do so, Also getting rid of parasites who seek to represent him for enslaving, It will end like the other "superfluous peoples" of which someone already speaks.
Loris Palmerini
Self-government of the People Veneto / Archives of the Venetian people
20 April 2010 @ 12:23
At the following link, you can view the video “Human rights at the beginning of the third millennium”,
argument put forward by Professor Maria Rita Saul, Judge of the Constitutional Court
Press the Uniroma.TV