Data: the most vaccinated against Covid-19 get sick and die more
A report from the CDC (US supervisory authorities) highlighted that in August 2022 la maggior parte dei casi di morti per COVID-19 erano vaccinati.
A riportarlo un articolo del dicembre 2022 of “The Epoch Time”:
“I dati dei Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) they showed that vaccinated and boosted people (booster) hanno costituito la maggior parte dei decessi di COVID-19 ad agosto.
of 6.512 decessi totali registrati nell’agosto 2022, THE 58,6 per cento dei decessi è stato attribuito a persone vaccinate o potenziate e sembra essere un segno di una tendenza crescente in cui gli individui vaccinati stanno diventando sempre più la maggioranza delle mortalità COVID-19.
Nel gennaio 2022, le mortalità COVID-19 nei vaccinati erano ancora la minoranza con il 41 percento dei dati relativi a soggetti vaccinati o potenziati.
However, l’analisi dei dati CDC di giugno e luglio ha mostrato che oltre il 50 percento dei decessi veniva riportato in soggetti vaccinati, With the 62 and the 61 percento riportati rispettivamente.
“We can no longer say that this is an unvaccinated pandemic”, said Cynthia Cox, vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation to the Washington Post in an outdated article 23 November.”
There is a propaganda of “fact checkers” who argues that this does not prove the harmfulness of the vaccine, because it must be considered that the vaccinated are much more than the unvaccinated, and therefore it is obvious that there are more vaccinated among the dead.
in reality, on the one hand this statement highlights that the vaccine does not protect against death, but the reality is actually another. In fact, the same article continues with another bitter surprise:
“Mortality data from Manitoba Canada in the week since 31 July to 6 August 2022 they also showed that while the population with the most doses made up the 70 percent of all COVID mortalities, the unvaccinated contributed less than 10 percent of deaths. This with the 43% of the population with boosters.”
In other words, THE 43% of the population did more doses, and ended up constituting the 70% of COVID-19 deaths in Manitoba, while the unvaccinated, which are perhaps the 25% of the population, they formed the 10% of the dead in a situation where treatments such as Ivermectin are still denied.
So the more you vaccinate yourself, the sicker you get, the more likely you are to die. Criminal who said otherwise.
Article integral in English