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Interview on the draft law for the recognition of Venetian as a nation
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, Venetian Language, staff, Policy intrevista, palmerini, pellegrin, draft law the Veneto region, radio Padania
This is the audio of the interview that Pier Luigi Pellegrin of Radio Padania gave me there’ 11 February 2016, concerning the bill filed in the Veneto region for the recognition of Venetian as a minority nation (The “national minority” in terms of the law). The audio has been cut in some places to streamline listening, Are approximately 22 […]
We met Luca Zaia
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Venetian Language, staff, Policy, Venetie
Several people asked me how the meeting we had with the president of the Veneto Region Zaia went, especially regarding the human aspect of the thing. At the meeting we were Mayor Mazzorato (who arranged the meeting) , Mayor Lio and I, and we met him at a school in Conegliano. There were constant arrivals of people who came to talk to him, Also from outside […]
There is a legal path to the freedom of the Venetian people?
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, Justice, Venetian Language, Lombardo-Veneto, Policy, History, Venetie
Personally it is from 1997 that I propose to the Venetians the few solutions that exist for our freedom of people, and these concepts have been plagiarized in a bad way or even purposely distorted by different parties politicie groups to date by 5 Active but about 10 During the years. (This means that my intention of spreading […]
Zaia and the Regional Council do not want bilingualism and the autonomy of the Venetians
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Justice, Venetian Language, Policy, History, Venetie Autonomy, bilingualism, lies, falsehood, Independence, Venetian Language, minorities, Venetian independence referendum, zaia
A video in Facebook on this document This document demonstrates that : 1) the junta and the councilors knew of the illegality? of a proposal for a referendum on the independence of the Veneto 2) they are not interested in the autonomy and bilingualism legally provided for. They have been sent to the junta and the councilors of the League
You do not understand a damn of the various independence movements ? Here's help
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, Venetian Language, Lombardo-Veneto, staff, Policy, History
Something to understand the’ Venetian independence and its various movements? The first thing to know is that Italy has always considered the Venetians to be stupid, or “mona”, that you can make fun of in the urn. Leggendo scoprirai che questo è storicamente vero. Don't be surprised if you find out that you are scammed at the ballot box in the future too. Anyway, to understand […]
20 majo, Giacarta speak Italian ethnicity (veneta) Rio Grando, Brazil
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, Venetian Language
Me xe rivà e publico ——————————- Serafina Correa, 25 of April the 2014 Dear Friends Semo drio to rivar 20 May GiornoDela Italian Ethnicity NTEL Rio Grande do Sul. Parnoantri important because ze ze a comemorassion she 139 ani dela Italian imigrassion in Rio Grande do Sul. You have that many tuti, d’ una maneira […]
The municipality of Limena (PD) He asks bilingualism to the region! just a few months.
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, Human rights, Venetian Language, Venetie
Entusiamante NEWS FOR VENETI (AND HUMAN RIGHTS) : The municipality of Limena (PD) ha chiesto alla Regione il rispetto del bilinguismo.In pochissimi mesi la Regione Veneto può diventare bilingue veneto-italiano, like South Tyrol. The bilingualism is a right of the Venetians because the Venetians are a national minority (and not just linguistic) all’interno […]
Independence of the Venetian People or the State Lombardo-Veneto and the Veneto Regional Council?
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Justice, Venetian Language, Venetie
Anyone who proclaims independence should at least know how to respond to the basic question: independence of what ? for example, There are Sardinian separatists. Nobody asks what they are fighting for because the situation seems very clear: Sardinia is an island, and inside there are the Sardis, they fight for their independence. Questo è un […]