1. renzo
    29 April 2009 @ 16:21

    Gent. palmerini, As Rosito says well, give us sources or copy the documents, of pigs in politics are continuously would have liked that what he says was not true.
    Injustices and abuses remain carved in the soul of people and transmitted to children, it is not’ appropriate to foment more unjustified hatred.
    Here are some documents

    Here are some documents

    THE 25 April is a date shared because it is a fake

    10 February – day of remembrance of the Giuliano and Dalmato genocide

    On sinkholes document that reveals a shocking state secrets unmentionable

    On the communist crimes in Dalmatia

    On the communist and Togliatti project of annexation of Friuli and Veneto to Yugoslavia see
    They wanted the Yugoslav Republic in Northern Italy, or the ballad of liberation
    Those Jews deported from Istria in the name of the Italian race

    The evidence that the Referendum 1946 it is null

    THE 25 April is a date shared because it is a fake

    Also in these days (29 Aprilre 2009) History Channel is confirming the attempted (and failed) realization of the socialist Republic by the Communists


  2. Paolo Della Room
    29 April 2009 @ 10:54

    Quoted and linked to my blog.


  3. Francesco Rosito
    29 April 2009 @ 10:20

    He affected me very much and intrigued his information on the resistance in the Venezie. I would pray it, to be able to be able
    documentation, to provide me with the indications to get to the sources of his information. Thank you heardly


  4. Lebrun pias
    27 April 2009 @ 12:34

    And time to warn foreign media, because this page of history must be known !
    It would be very interesting to publish these documents… Who will be able to wake up the Venetians and their desire for independence ! And give a reply to the people who deny this fact…
    There is currently a Slovenian historical trend that Affirma that the Venetians and the Slovenians have the same origin… But this seems above all to be the utilisazation of history at the end of the political…


  5. AM
    25 April 2009 @ 20:51

    It is really true, â € œIt can be asked for everythingâ €, For example, Write correctly before correcting the written others: â € œu-â € |(since from what you go to the)”.


  6. Mirko
    25 April 2009 @ 12:22

    And therefore the Italian government would agree with Tito because the North-East passed under the Yugoslavia, in fact losing a part of the country?
    That same government that did not have the resistance very well because it feared an advance of the “red danger” just like it was happening in Yugoslavia?
    And all this with the agreement of the forces opposite to the communists and that is liberal and democratic?

    But all this is credible?

    I believe that the Venetians need much more compared to imaginative reconstructions of the past that see conspiracy at any time in history.

    I appreciated and continued to appreciate his action and read his writings carefully but I allow me to tell her that the latter makes me smile at me. From what we read it seems that the Italian government has worked to lose a part of the nation (what advantage would it have had?) to give it to the communists with the support of those political forces (With what advantage in this case too?) who did not agree with the communists even during the war.

    That in the ideas of many communists the struggle Nazi-fascism was associated with the Soviet revolution is established. But go further to find a general conspiracy against the Venetians….raft, it seems not very logical to me.

    I close by saying that saying that in Venice resistance there was not a serious lack of respect towards those who, coming from our land, have lost their lives or family members for that same resistance. They fought people of the most varied political ideas and it is serious that the phenomenon of the resistance was done by the communist parties in the aftermath of the war but denying her as she does is even more cruel.


    Mirko Valer


  7. marcosan
    25 April 2009 @ 07:20

    The following comment comes from’ ADDRESS arturocelhoduro@libero.it that does not exist

    Dear Loris, I happened inadvertently on your site, On the other hand a little’ of responsibility is yours, Since you get intense the post box of the links to your precious considerations. Therefore having had the opportunity to read a couple of “articles”, I feel in all awareness of advising you: 1. to learn to write (I don't speak from a stylistic point of view, but simply orthographic and grammatical, that © You can't ask for everything); 2. to learn to read (Since from what you go to your blog you can deduce that yours “sources” are booklets for green shirts in bands, The “bundle”, If you allow me the word game, In any case, rather imaginative brochures and illustrated with great colored figures, Draw especially to arouse some bikes of pride in hearts in si time and frightened, a bit’ fragile).
    Anyway, I also feel like reassured: You will see that in a few years, let's say, When you are in ethena, You will be forgotten of these infantile performances of yours as we forget you have, On the beach in front of everyone, shown the pippin.


  8. Gino Pieri
    24 April 2009 @ 19:49

    Dear Palmerini,
    I thank for this information so far unknown to me, really a slutty and human betrayal.
    Say that the Falli project, Instead, it seems to me that it was not a complete failure since Istria passã³ to Yugoslavia.
    Dearly dear
    Long live the Venezie< VIVA L´ITALIA


  9. Carmine Colacino
    24 April 2009 @ 18:57

    Thanks to Palmerini to make this information available, It is obvious that the resistance as it is not the heritage of the Venetias is not even of southern Italy, that thanks to the allied occupation (or spontaneous movements of the people, you see 4 Days of Naples) He had already freed himself from the German employment. Unfortunately it is another of those so -called myths “national” but that in fact they represent the story of only a part of the populations of the peninsula. The glorious Venetian history is denied, as well as the Neapolitan one (and Sicilian), in favor of parts of the peninsula often with much less illustrious stories… This must change and Palmerini's information certainly goes in the right direction.
    a note… to the note… The Lepanto fleet was established in its big from Veneti (109 He entered) and Spaniards (80 He entered), much less represented (about twenty galleys in total) TUSCANY, Genoa, Malta, Savoy, etc.). As troops, instead, The Spanish ones prevailed, even if the Venetian ones were of exceptional value. Of the Spanish forces, however, were an integral part of Naples, Sicily and other nationalities at the time under the Crown of the Spaniards (as they said at the time) So the West was saved from the Serenissima and Spain, I therefore live San Marco, First, but also alive the Spain, Viva Napoli and Sicily.


  10. giancarlo - Verona
    24 April 2009 @ 17:07

    I can only agree with what was written by his friend Palmerini.
    Yes, we are already many and we will always be more precisely because of the danger to which the central authorities continue to offer us fake parties, false myths and make -up stories to be benevolent. Napolitano then I see it as smoke in the eye and I wonder how this political class knows continually regenerated,convert and just like chameleons continually changing skin, with idiotic symbols that do not resemble their demented policies, catastrophic and politically old and stale.
    The only banner worthy of this name is that of the Serenissima Veneta Republic who teaching almost the whole world then full of monarchies as you can govern a people well and last well 1.100 years and save the western world with the battle of Lepanto.
    I miss thanks…indeed it must be forgotten because otherwise…….
    Otherwise my gentlemen are mature and you will be the day that the Venetians will wake up one day thinking about it in the same way and then the end of the Italian occupation will be.

    P.S. For those who read and do not understand…….go to study the story well.


    • pietro
      25 April 2010 @ 19:20

      Dear Mr. Palmerini,
      I read his communication with great attention and sincere pain “historical”. The things that are affirmed are very serious and need a support documentation that testifies in an absolutely and incontrovertible way of what you have affirmed. (I mean that the hearsay is not enough) Also because it puts in place a sort of attempt to make reality read only from a part of the horizon while the characteristic of a historian turns out to me to be to analyze an experience according to suits the optics and the “Party”that this experience have animated .
      Personally I have my personal and familiar experience linked to the Catholic partisan experience (mostly) and socialist in our Veneto who fortunately does not correspond absolutely to what was expressed by her.
      I promise to publish on his website report of the testimonies that relatives and friends told me when I was a child and of whom I remember quite well places situations and people involved. Thus to widen the picture of the difficult moment that Italy lived especially in the North to free itself from the irreducible cruel enemy.
      The city of the Veneto have always filled with Italian flags in this important anniversary… It is nice that there is also the flag of San Marco… sure.
      With this I do not allow myself to say that it is false we would miss but the stories I carry in memory are part of history really lived for me.
      While waiting to see the documents published.
      I cordially greet.
      Wishing them good onomastic to all the Marco!
      W Italy and W our Veneto!


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