The sunset of wheat spaghetti
Italy is the homeland of the so-called “Mediterranean diet” which the whole world envies us because it promotes a better quality and length of life. You live longer and in better health. At the center of this diet is pasta and spaghetti.
This is what Italian propaganda says, but the numbers on both lifespan and overall health quality don't prove it at all.
Moreover, if we leave ideology and go and check, in Greek cuisines, Turkish, Spanish, Tunisian etc, pasta is not the dominant dish, it is an accessory that is alternated with many other types of cereals.
So in reality there is no culinary identity between the various countries bordering the Mediterranean, there is no diet “Mediterranean”, and in practice it is an Italian invention and only Italy makes such important use of pasta.
If instead we talk about cereals in general, therefore of bread, pizza dough, Couscous, rice, more ecc, then it is clear that pizza is a dish that has been spreading.
But then we must instead deal with the problem of modern nutrition,made of refined and industrial foods.
In so-called developed countries people die mainly from cancer, heart attack, neurological diseases and metabolic disorders. The latter are becoming the true explanation of all other diseases.
And where do metabolic disorders come from? ? According to ISS “the metabolic syndrome it is a complex clinical picture, determined by the simultaneous presence of three conditions: diabetes, high pressure E obesity. [..] they are related to each other, and they are increasingly common in the population due to incorrect habits and lifestyles . [..] Metabolic syndrome is also sometimes referred to as insulin resistance syndrome, since its main cause is believed to be the resistance of cells to the action of insulin.”
And what causes insulin resistance ?
Pasta made from refined wheat quickly provides many simple sugars, creating a glycemic peak phenomenon which, if repeated in the long run, can predispose to diabetes. For more after about 2 ore, past the peak via insulin effort, a state of deficiency is created so that one feels hungry again, quickly becoming addicted to junk food.
Plus the latest generations of wheat, especially that one “Croesus” very widespread in Italy, they are too rich in gluten, so if you only use this type of pasta it can become over time celiac disease, disease that has been spreading ever since the “Croesus” it was created in Italian laboratories via radioactive bombardment. In short, cropped wheat is a genetic mutation of which many side effects were not known when it was put on the market.
It has long been known among dietitians that refined flours are less healthy than wholemeal flours, and that it would be better to vary the cereals between grains, spelled, sorghum, barley etc, and so they increasingly recommend using wholemeal flours. But for the food industry, unfortunately, refined wheat is more convenient precisely because of its gluten which gives the mixtures viscosity, elasticity and cohesion, giving rise to easily workable doughs.
In short, an artificial grain has been put on the market mainly for the interests of the food industry, and the public health budget is affected by the serious spread of diabetes and celiac disease. As seen everywhere when it comes to introducing the “sugar tax”, it is clear that states are influenced more by the interests of the food industry and lobbies than the electorate and the need for healthier consumption.
However, there is no doubt that there is a correlation between cereal consumption and the most deadly diseases. All cereals are foods that are too rich in sugar, and a simple plate of pasta contains so many carbohydrates that it causes a glycemic spike, which in turn produces an insulin spike, which in turn produces a hypoglycemic peak, and this yoyo effect is inflammatory and in the long run wears out health in various aspects.
It can be verified that cereals are not very healthy for humans, they are unnecessarily caloric, they are rather good for animals, but given that they are cheap and that the population is considered “livestock” from the elite, this explains the propaganda in their favor. In short, food for the poor, increasingly pushed to eat carbohydrates convinced that they are good for us.
Many believe they can find a solution in some ancient varieties of wheat, perhaps consumed whole, which, however, over time turns out to be a further problem due to the anti-nutrients they contain, toxic substances that nature has placed in the peel of the grain to prevent predators from feeding on it in excess, preventing the spread of the seed.
So it's no surprise that the food industry didn't have to be asked to make products available “integral”, because it was a matter of adding an element that was previously a waste, the bran, saving on costs.
The use of other cereals or pseudo cereals has also spread over the years amaranth it is to quinoa, etc, which are much richer in healthy plant proteins, but this does not make the use of animal proteins useless as only they contain the so-called essential amino acids . However, the problem remains that animals raised in unnatural and chemically controlled conditions are an unhealthy source that induces other pathologies. It is therefore better to contact manufacturers you can rely on directly, spending more and keeping yourself a little hungry at the end of the meal which also aids digestion and avoids various other problems.
Anyway, while on the one hand many are switching from the ideological Mediterranean diet to various other types of healthier dietary mixes, finding well-being especially with the Paleolithic one, However, the practice of replacing cereals with certain vegetables such as courgettes is spreading in the USA
There is also the spaghetti squash and other vegetables.
This post was originally from 2016 and the trends have been confirmed in the meantime.