1 Comment

  1. Pier
    21 March 2011 @ 07:47

    The Rais does his job as reprobate. I November ? this time Berlusconi has been pulled by the hair ! (who has not). As usual the word ( and word) to arms sounds hurts, very: word for the usual human blunders, race business…. Napolitano reassured by telling us that we are not at war! Why we throw the bombs to others, and which are symbolic, that we do not fight for oil, that France does not seek grandeure, others worst dictators without oil are not bad (vedi l’assolutismo dell’Arabia Saudita dove il 90 % della gente vive con 1€/gg e le donne non han diritto ad avere la carta d’identità . E’ vero infine che facendo l’intervento militare suscitiamo le diffidenze di 3/4 dell’Africa provocando il pericoloso fondamentalismo mussulmano come 90 anni fa alla caduta dell’impero ottomano, etc. etc . Now the left is in favor of this guarra! –WIWA war = big cleanup !–


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