Covid-19 – the beginning of a major renovation

Covid-19 – the beginning of a major restructuring - translation from
“The question of world government is at the heart of all questions”
From the last months of the year just ended, it is increasingly stated that the current state is called lockdown (that is, the isolation of people, countries, regions, the closure of businesses, distance learning, the closure of all socialization activities) it will last forever. WHO and some state authorities are telling people “for your own safety” to sit in one “temporary holding cell”. However, this could become permanent.
Suspicions in this regard were reinforced by Klaus Schwab, founder and permanent leader of the World Economic Forum ( Word Economic Forum WEF), [ actually private organization and made up of many of the most influential rich people and bankers on the planet] which meets every year (usually in January) in the Swiss city of Davos. This January 2021, instead, the Davos meeting will not be held , will be done in Singapore from 13 Al 16 May 2021.
For now, Klaus Schwab will accept congratulations on the 50 Anniversary of the World Economic Forum (originally called the European Management Forum).
Who is Schwab ? Economist, professor at the University of Geneva, honorary professor in many universities , member of the boards of directors and boards of directors of many companies , participated several times in the meetings of the Bilderberg Club, and was a member of their steering committee.
At the WEF online conference in May (2020), Klaus Schwab, together with Prince Charles, son of Queen Elizabeth II, coined the term "The Great Reset" ( big restart or renovation). The deeper meaning is that the world of capitalism is going through a serious crisis, capitalism needs to be redone, Prince Charles speaks of a future “responsible capitalism”.
The coronavirus pandemic with the lockdown offers the concrete possibility of a restart, but the renovation cannot be done quickly (for resistances) and therefore the lockdown will have to be extended and lasting. At the beginning of June 2020, a page entitled The Great Reset appeared on the WEF website. Since that time the concept has been amplified, a chorus of voices played, including that of Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau ecc.
Following Trudeau's speech, Conservative Canadian MP Pierre Poilievre petitioned in November for “stop the big reset”, petition he collected 80.000 signatures in less than 72 ore.
Opponents of the “grande reset” have emerged in the United States, in Great Britain and continental Europe.
Alongside Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Justin trudeau, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and others, (there are no Elon Musk, Trump and others) there are also the IT giants of Silicon Valley, especially Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft which are participating, and touting the lockdown and the mantra of change.
In November, the New York Times called the opponents of the Great Reset conspiracy theorists, but it was stupid because the supporters of The Great Reset are the real conspirators, although they act openly. I am reminded of "The Open Conspiracy" by HG Wells del 1928.
The Great Reset is an open and public conspiracy. Klaus Schwab is very active despite his 83 years. In July 2020 the book “Covid-19: The Great Resetâ€, written by him in collaboration with Thierry Malleret, who turns out to be a futurist with a fatal omen. By the end of 2020, the book was to be published in German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. The main ideas of the book are already divisive.
in the first place, the COVID-19 pandemic is one “unique window of opportunity” and not a misfortune.
According to them, it is through this window that humanity will be led into the future. No return to the past!
Many people ask: “When we return to normal life?â€. The answer is NEVER.
Our individual and societal history is divided into two parts: before the coronavirus COVID-19 and after “.
For supporters of the Great Reset the “future is bright” , it will be a world in which the differences between rich and poor countries will be erased, over time, state borders will be destroyed (that is why countries are being made more and more indebted).
Eventually a single government will emerge e [perhaps] a single planetary state and claim that “The question of world government is at the heart of all questions”. Furthermore Schwab writes: â € œWith the introduction of the lockdown, our attachment to loved ones increases, we value those we love more: family and friends. But the downside is that it causes a rise in patriotic and nationalistic sentiments, along with dark religious beliefs and ethnic preferences. And this toxic mixture will bring out the worst in us … “
Schwab makes it clear that war will be declared â € œ on dark religious beliefs and ethnic preferences”.
Third principle of the Great Reset, the new world economy will have to be managed centrally by giant monopolies [their]. For this, private property will have to vanish, and in its place will be imposed â € œthe economy of use” [rental], “the participation economy”, despite Schwab and his companions carefully avoid talking about “socialism”.
There will be no national currency, digital currencies will be introduced everywhere, or a digital currency [produced by them].
Fourth principle of the Great Reset, there will be an ecological transition that will replace the energy of hydrocarbons, but limits on water consumption will also be imposed, electricity , and some types of products declared “dangerous for the environment” (for example Meat) or industrial products (per es. Cars - that's why Tesla's Elon Musk doesn't participate).
To reduce the most important burden on the environment, the radical means of reducing population growth will be used, ie births, or even reduce the population according to the slogan “The greater the population growth … the greater the risk of new pandemics”.
Fifth principle, robotization will be introduced and completed in all areas of the economy and public life, where by robot we mean intelligent androids. [ What will the workers and all this population serve at that point?]
The book “The Great Reset” repeats many times that there will be net job cuts: “by 2035 up to 86% of jobs in restaurants will be cut, until the 75% of jobs in trade and up to 59% in the entertainment industry, because they can be automated”.
So they claim that “until the 75% of restaurants can go broke due to lockdowns and subsequent social distancing measures”. “No sector, no business will stay the same as before.” It is proposed to introduce a minimum social income for people who will be replaced by androids, but only if the person gets vaccinated ["PittoCoVac" patent].
Sixth principle of the Great Reset, the digitization of all spheres of the economy and society will continue , and the effective control system for people's behavior and movement will be extended, also thanks to the facial recognition technologies already in use.
The authors say verbatim: â € œThe pandemic will end when there is a worldwide network of digital control of the individualâ €?.
Seventh principle, health care will include regular checks, compulsory vaccinations, issue of a health passport and the establishment of restrictions and punishments for people who evade the rules of the medical discipline.
Eighth principle, in the spirit of transhumanism, every person will be “improved” [with the introduction of body technology and / or modification of DNA or RNA].
In short, the objectives of a publicly known conspiracy are announced in the book.
Thanks to the infamous “Pandemic” there is no doubt that globalism initiated the Great Reset operation , and we are in transition to the “new world”.
There will be forces capable of resisting the globalist transformation?