Caodano the Veneto 9 March to Cervarese Santa Croce (PD)
Venare 9 Martian 2018, Restaurant at Via Bosco Bosco 21, Cervarese Santa Croce, Padova
Current affairs news , history and culture of the Venetian People and its Autogoveno
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Vaccinations
Let's talk about “compulsory vaccination” and the recent precedent of some regions ( before the Friuli Venezia Giulia, now the Veneto) regarding the expiry of 10 March 2018. They call “skidding” and I have not checked if esisteno in other regions, if anything segnalatemele. What time limit ? Let's look at the law: art. 5 L.n.119/2017– Transitional and Final Provisions […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, staff, History
Ti arriva un messaggino e ti ritrovi abbonato a 5€ la settimana SENZA AVER DATO IL CONSENSO ? E per fermare l’abbonamento devi inviare un sms a pagamento ? If you're lucky you lose 10 minutes for calls to customer service, and will reimburse the stolen goods. But if the case for later, perché non hai capito, […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Lombardo-Veneto
Un utente che si firma Marco commenta il mio post sul Lombardo-Veneto dicendo che “non esistono percorsi legali per arrivare all’indipendenza, unless you are unable to modify the article 5 della costituzione italiana”. Ed aggiunge che per altro esiste l’“interesse geopolitico di mantenere integra l’Italia da parte degli altri stati, at least to those who […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Lombardo-Veneto Catalunia
What principles are the ones we have seen now with Catalunia, that despite a referendum we are denied the principle of self-government and self-determination, but that path perhaps did not take that ruling into account to better direct political action and an action strategy. Unfortunately by the time I had said it would end as […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Lombardo-Veneto
Going back to my article, it proves once again that the Lombardo-Veneto (a sovereign state) è unito all’Italia in violazione del trattato del 1866, ossia l’unione fu realizzata a forza, ie illegally: tecnicamente è uno Stato occupato. If not enough, la legge statale n° 212 December 2010, Italian law, canceled the annexation of the 1866 […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Right, Lombardo-Veneto
Marco recalled that the Constitutional Court by virtue of Article 5 of the Constitution. declared the impossibility of the Veneto Region (but in each region) the secession, and it is obvious and natural for an organ of the Italian Republic, Rather, this was already sanctioned with the sentence 365 of the 2007. My article on the Lombardo-Veneto in fact showed that […]