1. antonio adorisio
    6 November 2007 @ 12:57

    Hello old man,
    I always follow with interest your chats on the net
    I point out an interesting book “Best Before” Eugenio Benetazzo (just to climb the anguish)


  2. Umberto Sartory
    5 November 2007 @ 09:12

    The root of the problem draws nourishment from the entropy of the system. The management system “state” and also as banking absorb more energy of the work they produce.

    For those who are unfamiliar with the terms of Synergetics (science that deals with optimizing systems according to harmonic laws with development and natural environment) I explain that entropy is the dispersed energy. Let us take as an example the friction in an engine. They consume driving force without producing the desired effect, ie the movement, indeed hinder it.
    In general, in fact, the dispersion of energy is not only a waste but also damage. The friction in the engine in example generate heat and dilation, forcing tolerances in the gears that increase their noise and usury as well as requesting devices
    of complex and expensive as perfectly useless lubrication, itself, to the desired movement.

    The synergetics deals with studying the components of a system and to juxtapose them in order to reduce the entropy to the maximum.
    I used the engine example, but Synergetics is an abstract science, which is informed of the deep and geometric structures of nature and is therefore perfectly applicable in all sectors of human experience, including psychology and sociology.
    In particular, synergetic awareness and attitude are the characteristic of the political man who is worthy of the name.
    Unfortunately, the current state of things does not see government politicians of public affairs, but more or less aggressive bands of the boyars (Ministers infidels who succeeded a king betrayed and betrayer) and real criminals engaged in the looting of the same

    Said this, and verificatolo daily for decades, I find it totally unnecessary to continue to address practical aspects of this high entropy system. More interesting groped a response to the demand for Stephen: lights on the future?

    Any light on the future can only come from the action in the present. And here perhaps I clarify how Synergetics infer politics.
    The methodological indication of this science, reads it “Think globally and act locally”.
    And this for the Citizen comes to mean first of all to take action in their daily. Defend the values ​​that make him citizen above all in their private life with dignity and firmness.

    We know that a low entropy social system must be based on tolerance but also on the strict observance of moral principles. To earn the right to justice, Citizen must act himself with justice. For the spread of Trust, which it is the soul of Commerce ( the advertise) it is essential that the Citizen protects its “Honor Word” and cultivate one's honest dignity even when it seems to produce momentary disadvantages.

    A citizen who instead “yields to the treasurer”, ie it enslaves to a general principle of the entropic system, making it their own, It only increases entropy e, in the specific case, earn more and more corrupt and corrupting governments.

    Someone may object that the spread of a renewed moral vigor between the people could cause an arrest of the economy.

    The entrepreneur who refused to bend to the generalized corruption system in force would in fact probably find himself devoid of the orders necessary for his company.
    An employee who refuses to pay his work in public or private malfeasance operations could be transferred or fired.
    The official who refused to bend his conscience to the system of private interests in office deeds may be isolated and malvoist on the workplace.

    Yet any light on the future can only filter through the intake of these risks and the preparation of collective plans to minimize their effects.

    The Citizen must relearn to compensate for the material frustrations with his own moral strength. If the economy as we see runs to a loss towards the abyss, who is the imbecile: those who accelerates or those who try to stop it?
    sure, groped to curb it is hard, and will wear the soles of shoes, but it is better to remain barefoot fly over the precipice with a nice pair of designer shoes.

    Metaphors aside the precipice called the poor in general and war. Tears and blood of real ones, not those of
    “Finance laws”.

    In this regard, the graphic designer on the public debt ownership is interesting: As the column of the foreign property is disproportionate… Why foreigners want us so well as to buy our wholesale barrel card?
    What will we do if they own foreign, to ask for gold in exchange for paper?

    You already know the answer. When someone has debt does not pay, usually they take the goods, ie the land and, I our case, especially the works of art. At the discretion of our foreign creditors, Italy, and Veneto with her, They can now be declared conquered at all times. A country in crisis internally, can with a certain reason what reason to assert his rights on us…
    The economy based on steel, still very strong even if subjected to the turn-over to the silicon economy, It is extremely tough in this kind of business. The form of payment is and has been for millennia war…


  3. flavio raiola
    3 November 2007 @ 19:48

    I say that we citizens must tuti [censorship] fight [censorship] these daily fraud , these exploitations that we experience every day…because the words do not do anything…it takes a violent uprising or the “powerful and rich” They always stop with their talk and promises…


  4. Alessandro Pentori
    3 November 2007 @ 09:14

    An interesting article about:

    “When the state becomes forger” : http://www.luogocomune.net/site/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1997

    E’ very interesting discussion that emerges.


  5. franca
    3 November 2007 @ 06:39

    They, some of them remained , also little towards what if GA are printed in the meantime.
    If you start over???


  6. stefano
    2 November 2007 @ 23:23

    You said the most just and true things. The anguish I have for about 2 years and that I cannot understand how I can come out without resorting to something that I am looking like an economic/civil war sic!!! Give us also about the future of Lights, Thank you
    Stefano Cervellini


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