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The regime tries Veneto and Lombardy stupid to put on TV
Culture, staff, Policy, History, TV and surroundings
The media system (proprietà delle banche come i partiti politici) ha bisogno di imbecilli da mettere in TV per far vedere che le “alternative” non sono accettabili. I joined this topic verse times. Il regime non mette mai in TV chi può fare i cambiamenti reali. Così per esempio abbiamo avuto grande […]
To walk 40 minutes three times a week and study
Food and Health, Culture, Salute, Science
«Le premesse della longevità sono due: To walk 40 minutes three times a week – otherwise it blocks the parts of the cells and does not get rid of a growth factor, the BDNF, that nourishes the brain – e studiare». «Ai tempi in cui facevo le autopsie, I opened the skull and not even know what they were for […]
From pump bicycle as foreign minister
Culture, Human rights, Justice, Policy
AND, I admit: yesterday I sbagliato.La first page on Bonino was not right: under the main title I would have to publish a photograph of Emma while fumbling between the legs of a woman and helped her to have an abortion with a bicycle pump, 'I did not and instead. I did not have the stomach. I thought
Bocciata the possibility’ legal referendum: counts as a survey and a mountain coast.
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Venetian Language
La commissione regionale di fattibilità del referendum per l’indipendenza del Veneto ha concluso che il referendum sarebbe illegittimo in quanto incostituzionale e che anche qualora si facesse non avrebbe valore giuridico ma di semplice consultazione, cioè il valore di un sondaggio. Of course, the internal opinions were not all equal: on the one hand
The restorers of the Venetian Republic are not female.
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, staff, History
La Repubblica Veneta è stata una delle civiltà più lunghe della storia, ben più lunga dell’Impero romano d’occidente, and also of the Greeks, surpassed only by the Celestial Empire, from Persia and Egyptians (at least the last 5000 years). We Venetians grouped in it have given the world the idea and practice of the modern state. As well as […]
THE 25 April, San Marco, it is the celebration of the Veneto people
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture
THE 25 April, San Marco, it is the celebration of the Veneto people. Per i veneti di Istria e Dalmatia il 25 aprile non è certo stata la data della liberazione, ma nemmeno per i Veneti delle Venetie italiche, almeno a sentire Palmiro Togliatti, that, allora ministro della Giustizia, fece pubblicare nel “il lavoratore” di Trieste un […]
The Veneto region can not’ represent the Venetian people without the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia region
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Culture, Human rights, Justice, Policy, History, Venetie
in 1866 THE “Veneto” it was left to Italy, that in fact he found himself occupying it without the population being able to decide their own destiny. The Veneto was militarily occupied and sold even before the bogus plebiscite was staged. A plebiscite had to be made because it was due to the treaties, which, however, they spoke not only of the […]
Ban Ki Moon (UN Secretary) in favor of Catalan independence? She did not tell him!
Culture, Human rights, Justice, Policy
(This is the third part of a general discussion on the referendum, read the second part ) THE 4 April 2013 There was also another piece of news released by the referendum officials, for which the UN secretary would have supported the self-determination of Catalonia ( ) . Too bad that's not what happened. Per esempio secondo , “After having […]
Read this with the eyes of all time
Recentemente ho letto “la fattoria degli animali” di Orwell, e l’ho trovato favoloso. E’ un libretto, si legge velocemente in qualche ora, ma gli spunti sono attualissimi, perché si tratta di profili umani eterni, Unfortunately. Siamo effettivamente governati dai maiali come nel libro? Sono stati i maiali che hanno cacciato il fattore e oggi giustificano […]