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Pediatric vaccines trigger allergy genes, asma, cancer and disrupt the immune system.
Nell’ excerpt below from a conference by 2014 Dr. Suzanne Humphries talks about a study that showed that pediatric diphtheria vaccines, tetanus, polio, and others activate 67 genes linked to cancer, 25 genes related to the immune system, and activate 33 genes linked to allergies e 66 linked genes […]
The story of US electoral fraud returns 2020
Donald Trump's landslide victory in the US presidential elections 2024 has already unleashed a series of consequences. Not only have several governments entered into crisis (Germany and Israel), but according to Forbes several hepto-billionaires have made great profits from it, in particular Elon Mask would have increased by 10% his fortune of 290Billion USD. Some […]
The Roman governmental mentality has been failing for millennia
You know the story of the invention of the Personal Computer in an unknown garage in the United States ? You realize that it's a ridiculous story if you just go and see what technical problems there were in the creation of the real one., he P 101, which I will return to at the end of the text. . […]
Children NOT vaccinated for Measles, South Korean rubella and mumps go to hospital less often for hospitalizations and emergencies
The study of the 2021 “Differential demographic and clinical characteristics between MMR-vaccinated and unvaccinated children in South Korea: a national study” analyzed access to health services. Researchers Dongwon Yoon, Juhwan Kim and Juyoung researched the substantial factors associated with non-vaccination against measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) to identify demographic characteristics […]
USA: company condemned to pay 750.000 US$ for mandating the vaccine “anti”covid
USA: Dr.. Sircus informs us that a federal jury found the firing of the BlueCross employee illegal,, Tanja Benton, determined by the fact that she had not been vaccinated despite being requested by the company. It was unjustified and in violation of her religious beliefs contrary to the vaccination mandate. The company almost had to pay $700.000 […]
The sunset of wheat spaghetti
Italy is the homeland of the so-called “Mediterranean diet” which the whole world envies us because it promotes a better quality and length of life. You live longer and in better health. At the center of this diet is pasta and spaghetti. This is what Italian propaganda says, but the numbers are […]
Autonomists !!! PRRRT!
I find “The post” a generally biased and specious newspaper. In this case it is worth reporting the summary it made of the path ahead for autonomy. Summing up: the region that wants more autonomy sends the request to the Prime Minister; the Prime Minister asks the competent ministers for an evaluation in this regard, that have […]
The European Union towards Chinese-style digital control
Markus Reuter is a German journalist who writes about civil rights to information, digital politics, disinformation, censorship and surveillance technologies. in 2018 was rewarded for a series of investigations on Twitter, in 2020 per un’inchiesta on TikTok. THE 19 June 2024 raised the alarm about the imminent “Surveillance state” in the pipeline in the European Union, A […]
Liberation of the Venetians and Lombardo-Veneto
The Roman governmental mentality has been failing for millennia
You know the story of the invention of the Personal Computer in an unknown garage in the United States ? You realize that it's a ridiculous story if you just go and see what technical problems there were in the creation of the real one., he P 101, which I will return to at the end of the text. . […]
Autonomists !!! PRRRT!
I find “The post” a generally biased and specious newspaper. In this case it is worth reporting the summary it made of the path ahead for autonomy. Summing up: the region that wants more autonomy sends the request to the Prime Minister; the Prime Minister asks the competent ministers for an evaluation in this regard, that have […]
The law on autonomy? An electoral joke
Web TV the Identitarian, invited me to a debate on the bill that should regulate the methods for implementing the delegation of competences, currently approved by the Senate alone. I called it a useless electoral joke, because the Constitution in the article 119 and the framework laws of the State already today prevent any secession and any […]
For PFAS, Venetians afflicted by infertility, cancer, cholesterol, hormonal imbalances; children more than others. Excess mortality.
The story of pollution by harmful perfluoroalkyd substances (PFAS) linked to Miteni it affected the second largest aquifer in Europe which is located in Veneto. PFAS are synthetic chemicals used in a wide range of everyday items, like non-stick pans, foam for fire extinguishers, heat-resistant food packaging products […]
Veneto was never annexed and only militarily invaded, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Lombardy
The officially told stories that would lead to the annexation in 1866 Veneto, of Mantua and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, but also that of Lombardy in 1859, they are false, and I demonstrate it once again with this writing. Once upon a time there were three states, the Republic of Venice, the Duchy of Milan and the Duchy of Mantua. Let's forget about them […]
The end of political parties and Plan Z
It's still a good idea to get active in a political party? The situation of institutional degradation is such that it is evidently not a solution, Unlike, it can only strengthen the condition we are in, and I explain why. Italy has joined the UN, then, EU, European Council, in addition to other bodies such as UNESCO, oms, WORDS, […]
Exit the Great Reset: information evening
Exit the Great Reset, or Practical paths of human freedom Presented by Loris Palmerini December 15th 2022 – Thursday – ore 21.00 da “oregano” – via Caprera, 26 – Dueville (WE)Limited seats, book via telegram @ambro65Piano Z
Return to Austria? But do me the favor
The parody of the Lombardo-Veneto independence activist is a healthy mockery of a sentiment that does not actually exist, especially among the Venetians. If anything, it dwells among the nostalgics of the Catholic Monarchy of the Holy Roman Empire, often linked to the world of traditionalists who contest the Second Vatican Council. It exists even stronger in the Friulian faction than the […]
Hoaxes unmasked
Switzerland is not registered with the SEC, OPPT in Switzerland is a hoax.
The OPPT theory and its fake derivatives have unfortunately also taken hold in Switzerland, here it is unmasked. The hoax is well packaged, there is no doubt, for example it contains sensational statements such as the one that “States are SEC-registered corporations”.Already in 2014 I have demonstrated this statement to be false in relation to “REPUBLIC OF ITALY” of the Italian hoax, MA […]
The end of the myth of Legal Representation, OPPT and individual sovereignty
Finally online the recording of the evening of 13 July 2022 where I completely dismantled the theory of individual self-determination, of the Legal Representation, of individual sovereignty, of OPPT and all its derivatives. In the video, of three hours, those theories are dismantled and unmasked simply by verifying some facts such as the hierarchy […]
Index on the hoax of legal representation
When in 2014 I became aware of the theory of individual self-determination, which at the time was called OPPT, I was very impressed. Developed by the alleged lawyer “Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf “, the theory stated that states are actually corporations in the sense of private companies. According to the lawyer, this could be verified through the registration […]
“ITALY REPUBLIC OF” it's not there “Italian republic”: demonstration by absurdity
Proof by absurdity that “ITALY REPUBLIC OF” it's not there “Italian republic”. Loris Palmerini – 31/5/22 – all rights reserved We assume that the subject registered with the SEC as “ITALY REPUBLIC OF” (from now on IRO) both the Italian Republic (henceforth RI). If so, you should have these demonstrable consequences:1) The […]
Registration in the civil registry as slavery and the commercial exploitation of the straw man: one fool after another.
There are those who argue that thanks to the registration in the registry office a new born (a person) it is placed as a guarantee of the public debt of the state. For example, he stated this in the transmission of the 29/4/22 a certain Raffaele Gavuglio (I believe it is, who has publicly been said to be a profound student of the subject. If it were true that every […]
The questions that mislead the advocates of individual self-determination and legal representation
1) The questions that mislead the advocates of individual self-determination and legal representation 80 the Constitution, The questions that mislead the advocates of individual self-determination and legal representation ? 2) The questions that mislead the advocates of individual self-determination and legal representation , o la […]
The hoax of individual self-determination
The alleged hoax has been running for years “self-determination” individual that would be realized through the form of “Legal representation” which would allow to override the laws of the state. This hoax with variations in the past was also called “sovereign people“, “single people“, “Individual sovereignty”, even before O.P.P.T., and was literally sold to unsuspecting citizens who have it […]
Interesting links
Recommended Sites
Veneta Language Institute: Founded in 1999, is the only Institute for the promotion and protection of the Venetian language under international law 0
Venetian Justice Authority: Tribunal established in 1999 by the Venetian people (art.2 L.cost.n.340/1971) according to the law n.881/1977 0
Venetian aggregation: The representation and protection body of the language and national rights of the Venetians 0
News No Reset – flow not supervised anti Reset: Unsupervised world news channel and the great reset 0
Parla l'esperto: Interviews with people with concrete and practical experience that are interesting and useful 0
Venetian customs Committee of Fine Venetian customs, which promotes the Venetian culture and in particular the Year of Veneto 1 March 0
Federation of Lombardy-Venetia: Illegally annexed by Italy in 1866, it is freeing itself via a unique legal and peaceful path 0
Parliament of Lombardy-Venetia and National Assembly of the Veneto People: Elected by the Veneto people since 2000, is the first National Parliament of Veneto, ed from 2012 he is also substitute teacher for Lombardy-Veneto 0
Venetian history: Readings and visions on the history of the Venetians and in particular of the Serenissima Republic of Venice 0
The Frontier of Liberty: The DUES Committee ( Human rights, economic and social) works towards the realization of a just society, free and prosperous. 0