Vaccine damaged darling, and Dear damaged, I'm sorry.
I know you weren't expecting what happened to you, and I know that even more you did not expect to be abandoned to yourself, ignored by doctors, left unmarked and uncared for.
I know if you insist too much on wanting to be told it was the vaccine, se insisti a dirlo che è stato il vaccino, you are referred to the psychiatric assistance service.
Apart from the physical and mental suffering, I know that life escapes you now, that life that “done” the vaccine had to return to normal, ed invece ora non c’è più. Now you can't do many of the things you did before, purtroppo alcune non le farai più per sempre. We hope that cures will be found, ma il fatto è che per ora nessuno le sta cercando.
If you were a winning sportsman, maybe now you won't even be able to participate anymore.
If you were a spirited and lively person, ora forse sei costretta a fermarti nel fare le scale, or you can't even walk.
If you had good school grades now you can't even stay awake …..
If you were an artist now you can't even find the rhythm of your body.
Posso solo immaginare lo smarrimento e la rabbia per la condizione in cui ti ritrovi, e immagino che alla fine vorresti solo essere “normal”, return to normal, even if you were special before.
Unfortunately I must tell you that there is no normality and it wasn't even there before. Quello che tu ora stai vivendo succede normalmente da decenni, migliaia di genitori dopo un vaccino si ritrovano il figlio nelle tue condizioni, or even worse. It happens every year. Ufficialmente sono poche centinaia i casi in Italia, ma in realtà sono decine di migliaia, non vengono cercati e semmai occultati. Parents who sought solutions also found themselves abandoned, ostracizzati, leather, or called crazy. Ed anche i medici che spiegano loro la verità.
This has been the reality for decades, and I'm sorry to tell you that what you experience isn't even that rare.
Unfortunately I have no advice to give you, if not to make yourself a lot of strength and look for new solutions.
Rather, I need a favor: talk to people, tell your experience, fagli capire che non sei pazza o pazzo. Ally with others who are damaged, please get in touch, ask for compensation, ask for care, chiedete l’arresto di chi vi ha fatto questo mentendo e spesso per denaro.
Please do this so that it never happens again, because these fools are already doing it again, Yet, It's still, It's still …..
I am sorry for you and for each one who has been harmed.
I'm sorry as to all those who, either by their own luck or by past misfortunes, knew that a vaccine is a potential life killer, e nemmeno tanto di rado, e sapevano che purtroppo i medici e il sistema sanitario nascondono con ferocia i danni da vaccino, perché smascherano un mito.
There must be a huge round of corruption behind this practice that dominates the healthcare system, and certainly the pediatricians earn an annual premium the greater the number of vaccines they can give to their small patients.
So please, please get in touch, we will support you.
Only one thing, Please, remember to say, every now and again, that the fools were not the no vax, and we weren't criminals, and that we were also fighting to warn you, but we did not succeed.
Me and people like me are not mad at you, Rather, We are sorry, we don't consider you stupid, or that you deserve it….. noi sappiamo che sei stato ingannato, we said it, and we regret not being able to make us believe. We would have liked to talk on TV and in the newspapers, but they didn't let us, e se succedeva non chiamavano i più preparati di noi ma quelli che servivano al loro gioco.
Tell the reporters that their silence has hurt you, and that others have died, lot of, e dì loro che i no vax non hanno ucciso nessuno, semmai hanno salvato qualcuno.
We need your activism and that of all the harmed.
I'm sorry, We are sorry, we are all human, on the other side are the monsters.
I love you.
Loris Palmerini, 9/4/2022