A measles vaccine can lead to myocardial heart attack and cot death?
E’ reported in the data sheet of Priorix GSK Vaccine (vivo) antimorbillo, antiparotite e antirosolia (a. 6) that “The following additional adverse reactions have been reported following vaccination with PRIORIX [..] General disorders and administration site conditions: Kawasaki Syndrome“.
Wikipedia says “Kawasaki syndrome or mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome is a childhood vasculitis of the small and medium sized arteries that mainly affects the coronary arteries. The etiology is still unknown. It is characterized by prolonged fever, rash, conjunctivitis, mucosite, cervical lymphadenopathy and polyarthritis of varying severity. If undiagnosed in time can lead to infarto infarction.“.
What does it mean “in time”? The time of the heart attack of a few minutes? Two hours? Two days? Two months?
We already have statistical confirmation of the fact that more vaccination doses are given to children in the first year of life and more children die suddenly in the cot. E’ a scientific fact.
E’ Also statistically proven that the natural virus or “wild” of measles defends in old age from various heart attacks (but only those who have not been vaccinated and have taken the natural disease). E’ a scientific fact. Here it does not seem risky to assume that natural measles is a human symbiont virus, evolved with it.
We also know that the vaccine can produce the same disease it wants to prevent, such as measles.
The numbers seem to say that the artificial virus is not as symbiotically evolved as the natural one, ending up producing the disease, She syndrome, Kawasaki, and many other adverse effects in the data sheet for this product.
At this point, the hypothesis of some doctors takes shape that by going to analyze with autopsy the cases of children who died suddenly in the cradle in the vicinity of vaccinations, one often finds a myocardial infarction.
But natural disease or that is more risky “artificial” vaccine?
I state that it is not nice to play with the lives of others, especially if children, parents are not even aware of the deadly risks that there are in the vaccination, and all this is prohibited by the Oviedo Convention.
Said this, we do not know how many deaths there are from vaccination because there is no monitoring system worthy of the name, it was the Veneto Region who said it after carrying out a monitoring “active” , that is, with the obligation to report adverse effects, has seen in the number ten times.
The numbers combined with the epidemiological statistics of serious countries that have been vaccinating for decades tell us about a failure of the goal.Adverse events of vaccinations are generally poorer than natural disease.
Only fools and the corrupt can deny these numerical evidence.