An election campaign devoid of democracy
The piloted electoral polls of the 90s marked the rise of Berlusconi and the model of which he is bearer, the consumerist model of globalism, where everything is a commodity, and in the end it transforms man himself into a commodity and the world into a pile of leftovers, waste and junk. In fact in those years they have become commodity also females, as if they were an object to be possessed like the figurines when we were kids, as well as commodity and spectacle has become even religion, all the religions, sex, but also there is the human fetus reduced to a pulp and maciulth until just before being born thanks to the “law”.
The rise of this Satanist ideology in fact, Today he also makes us watch the shows with a nice Lucifer who after all is the most human of what one would like to admit, Rather, Humans are Luciferini and the God of earthly exile is responsible for our daily afflictions. And so then it is also legitimate to the’ artist invoking the symbols once banned, You can look at everything with indifference, everything is a figurine, Even the wars that we limit ourselves to judging in the eyes of the most shrewd and technological winner, we look at the killings as if they were something that does not concern us, because we are not them, and, however, we frighten us to death when the massacres affect someone of those who like us owns petrodollaro. In short, even the dead have a different price like chattel.
Everything is a commodity, the plastic eating has become daily, Medicines and television bullshit that will already be evacuated tomorrow, And there is no opportunity to look for the new enemy in everything, ie anyone who questions the status. Who criticizes because they do not agree there is automatically a “enemy” . If you do not agree with the vaccination obligation, you are an enemy of public health (not of the obligation, but the “Salute”), If you agree with the saving a life that drowns then you are against national security, But if you do not agree with the trafficking of human beings and the scheduled invasions then you are an exploiter of those miseries in your golden insulation.
If you do not agree with the military or financial intervention or logistical support decided by the operators, then you are an enemy of the government “Democratic”, and we'll call you “communist”, The “sovereignist” The “exploiter” , and if you do not know what else to say, then you are a “anarchist”..
But the staggering institutions, they do not give more custody and sense to reality , It happens more and more often that what was before was our best friend suddenly becomes our enemy. First it was nice to welcome the brothers of Africa in search of redemption, now presumed dangerous terrorists. First it was nice to buy clothing, technology, gadgets and products in China, invaders are now looking to take control of the world .
These sudden changes in front,It happens more and more often to be on the opposite side of the barricade without even having moved . When did you first work Puglia exporting vegetables to Russia, You are now an enemy of the West who helps the dictator Putin, and you have to shut up shop. If you wore before commerciavi with Chinese products now you are an enemy of the production “Italian”.A
E’ polarization beauty, the system of governing the masses with the most appropriate systems are also used for cattle and herds.
E’ the tendency to get bored of the human being what allows his manipulation and to be able to seduce him continuously, but it is precisely the secret card that is liberating, because in reality the continuous seduction at some point bore. Even the continuous extortion of consent produces saturation.
Now the polls are banned in election period, right or wrong, obviously the system has no longer need it to drive the result, because “leader”, the actors of comedy, in reality the surveys have them, and not making them know they can change the script of the comedy, according to what is required to obtain the scheduled result.
In short, the silence of the polls makes sure that in reality the maneuver can operate freely as before without the “public” voter noticing.
But what we see now is a new dimension of television policy, that is, the almost absence of equal electoral stands.
Local TVs are flooded by the commercials of the parties who have more or less lawful loans or more or less extorted reimbursements, while others can not participate.
Political participation is no longer the party, neither of the single candidate who is still substantially chosen by the party secretaries through their territorial proconsals.
The televised political comedy today is made of broadcasts where the leaders decided to table a monopoly on TV broadcasting, visibility , announcements, And the others appeared out of the contour like a not very appetizing sauce that in the end people don't even want.
Here, we came to the full realization of a system with two pre-packaged choices down as anticipated by Luhmann, that always leaves the system firmly in the hands of those who control it.
In fact, one thing has never changed: every year, in these years, The Italian State spends 65th billion euros in interest on the debt, while the European Central Bank lends money to Zero rate for several years. Why the Italian State does not benefits through its own bank as required by the EU Treaty ?
Simple, the masters of the Italian State are not Italians, are private bankers, and policy makers are only their puppets.
So we do not go to vote?A
It seems that a few hundred thousand people divorced the majority parties because it has not kept the promise of vaccination freedom. Maybe they will not vote, And it makes a difference.
But, If you happen to be among those who still want to vote, Remember that the only way to care about them is not to return the card or leave it in white or to write on it “you're shits” , because everything has the same mathematical result. If you really want to vote, then vote something not expected, again, ever heard, something they did not expect, and that he was not in their plans.A