From grapefruit seeds a powerful natural antibiotic that also treats ulcers
Although many industrial antibiotics have become totally useless or even simply bad (because of the resistance that bacteria have developed for their abuse), some natural antibiotics prove to be able to combat some major infection and disease without developing resistance, precisely because of their complexity “natural”, vincendo là dove l’industria fallisce.
Fra questi prodotti della nutura l’estratto secco dei semi di pompelmo è risultato fra i più potenti rimedi naturali. Here are some properties:
- Active against bacteria (including streptococci, stafilococchi) ed Helicobacter pylori – (ulcer), viruses and parasites, yeasts and molds (including candida), protozoa (amoebas and giardia that can produce diarrhea and dysentery typical of countries with poor sanitation), Also flu virus and herpes (herpes).
- Antibiotic natural skin against internal infections, earphones and oral.
- Also it used against some forms of dysentery.
- Also useful in the influences with complications, è anche un potente stimolante delle difese immunitarie.
Taken during the flu, it shortens its duration by relieving the symptoms
In short, a powerful natural remedy. No doctor, and carry my memory what is written on this site
Where does? it dr. Jacob Harich scoprì che un estratto ottenuto da semi contusi di pompelmo mostrava una rapida e potente efficacia contro le infezioni interne, cutaneous, earphones and oral.
Negli anni è riuscito a individuare che le parti di pompelmo caratterizzate dalla massima efficacia germicida sono rappresentate dai semi e dalle strutture membranose, perfecting the time
the same extraction techniques.
L’estratto così ottenuto, called in English G.S.E. (Grapefruit Seed Extract), in italiano E.S.P. (Grapefruit seed extract), è stato ulteriormente studiato in USA, Austria, France, Mexico and tested approved by various official institutions such F.D.A. e U.S.D.A.
Gli studi eseguiti hanno dimostrato una reale azione germicida ad ampio spettro che configura questo estratto come il più potente antibiotico naturale, completely free of toxicity.
As mentioned it is active against bacteria, including streptococci, stafilococchi ed Helicobacter pylori, yeasts and molds, including candida, protozoa such as giardia and amoeba capable of producing diarrhea and dysentery (classic traveler's diarrhea), influenza and herpes viruses.
Il Pasteur Institute é interessato alle proprietà antivirali dell’E.S.P.
In Austria é riconosciuto come un possibile rimedio naturale nelle infezioni da candida.
In Mexico it is used extensively against some forms of dysentery; Some of Monterrey doctors have performed a study on 20 patients with vaginal candida infection, showing that 15 its 20 mostravano un miglioramento dei sintomi già dopo 3 days of treatment.
Finally here is a pharmacy that sells it, and that by extract-semi-grapefruit (Update 04 nov 2009) – ma è disponibile in molte erboristerie. Attenzione alla quantità di ESP presente, in some pharmacies are sold as ESP products ESP poor content. ESP Pretendete to 100% at a lower price to 20 for Euros 20 ml, I bought it a 11 Euro. However, for some diseases such as Helicobacter pylori, the best care understand complex products with a part of ESP.
Sachs A.: Grapefruit seed extract (ESP) è Una rivoluzione nel controllo dei germi, Alternative Medicine Digest Sharamon S.,
Baginski B.J.: Le virtù terapeutiche dei semi di pompelmo, La farmacia naturale ñ Grapefruit Seed
Extract: a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic”, Bioearth International “By nature a multi-purpose product”,
Pitchford. 579 Sachs A.: How to deal successfully with an imbalance of
yeast, Bioearth International. = Grapefruit seeds
renato zaramella
22 March 2012 @ 15:41
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21 August 2010 @ 23:38
To combat helicobacter pylori, what kind of grapefruit seed products should I buy? Thanks and Regards