1. Antonio
    25 July 2015 @ 14:25

    If there is an inability to hit the big dodgers they can't pay the little ones for the others…So why not separate the banks in the sense that only the state funds public spending while the private funds the private GDP and its growth with the exception of small craft ,entrepreneurs ,youth and disadvantaged classes that could finance themselves directly with the stato..in last set Deficit offense without just cause : no political administrator can spend above revenue except for a just cause to provide an exhaustive list by the legislator.


  2. paron
    18 May 2015 @ 16:56

    Roberto, I have repeatedly expressed my awareness of the induced activity produced by the state, which, however, it is canceled by the taxation of the same: more taxes, less induced .

    However, it is not at all true that companies in the north have benefited from the backwardness of the south, the money they earned from selling products and services to the south were the same who had given before to the state through taxes. A giro account which worked as long as the state minted its own money, and as long as the products did not come from China. Now cronyism is simply counterproductive and unsustainable. Morale ? E’ over united Italy!


  3. Roberto
    29 June 2014 @ 00:33

    Good morning, I share his theory evasion (however, I distinguish the criminal evasion of the mafias from the evasion of necessity ) the great escape is true creates unfair competition.
    On inflation to point out these two links http://goofynomics.blogspot.it/2012/10/moneta-e-prezzi-borghi-dr-stock-e-mr.html ; http://goofynomics.blogspot.it/search?q=inflazione that sheds light on inaccurate stereotypes, explaining how inflation does not depend on currency.
    I hate to admit it, but unfortunately, the Italian caravans have an advantage. The advantage is the armature that generates (is: a bandwagon that buys stationery with state money, then taxes, It does work the suppliers who in turn will pay employees, that with the political corruption are missing). The evil of the caravans are the super salaries of managers and cronyism among executives, politicians and corporate managers. When FIAT calls into question the permanence in Italy what is more frightening is precisely the armature that comes to involve 100 thousand people against 5 thousand employees FIAT, and he prompted angry also has the state and is much larger than that of FIAT.
    Corruption and cronyism must always be fought and still take advantage of it but it's not just big shots but also the workers who work. It is a bitter pill.
    Unfortunately there is also another thing, ie that northern businesses have benefited from the backwardness of the South and says Prof.. Claudio Borghi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHuquJuwBI0 (who is a friend and colleague of Prof.. Alberto Bagnai http://goofynomics.blogspot.it)
    The rest I agree with almost 100%
    Thank you


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