Italy does not belong to civilization’ of honor
On the concept of “honor” and on the history of Italy
In the Precristian Scandinavian populations, the company was based on agriculture and trade with other peoples. They placed great emphasis on the concept of “honor”, both in battle and fighting, both in the criminal justice system. Consequently, for example, it was considered incorrect and wrong to attack the enemy already engaged in combat with another.
The Romans also placed at the center of “Romanness” similar values, in particular the “fides”, even a divinity, and then also in the foundation of “power” (
In the Republic of Venice was in force the principle of the prevalence of substantial justice of the formal, which allowed the judges the right to innovate in the absence of a law that would protect the right of individuals. For example, the maiden seduced by false promises and then deceived was compensated public disgrace. Yet, The corruption of the public administrator even when it was formally legal was equally affected if in substance the illegal enrichment and the circumvention of the rules was demonstrated.
These were Indo -European derivation companies, as well as the Greek and Germanic, and they shared common values, still widespread in the whole of Europe.
The principles of “Justice” and “honor” They are still present in almost all European states, and in the European institutions.
The history of the Kingdom of Italy is on the contrary marked by opportunism in battle, from the false attestations of alliance betrayed to the first opportunity or usefulness, and the improper behavior against the people. The Kingdom of Italy then underwent several bankruptcy, produced by corrupt rulers, misrepresentation of financial statements and public accounts. Currently the Italian Republic hides the real economic data with accounting tricks, “creative financing” and other deceptions, hides the dramatic reality from citizens, He deludes them with false information, with the unfair oppression of the alliance of the peoples of the peninsula.
Even today Italy is one of the very few countries where it is not a crime to declare the false in a process, And it is an established principle that when this false testimony in a process is an official or public employee , very very unlikely it called into doubt his word, even in the presence of evidence. On the other hand, the magistrates of the Republican Roman age were collegial and elective, What essentially unknown in the Italian system.
We can safely say that the “civilization” which today rules Italy has nothing to do with Romanity, nor with Europe, nor with most of the traditions of pre -unity peoples. In particular, the Venetian, I have never been part of this story, and in fact they voluntarily adhered to the Romanity of which they were great interpreters. Even with the Austrian domination these values ​​were never challenged.
Instead in Rome even before 1500 and the affair of the Borgia began a story of power governed by still values, probably it derived from incistazione source powers not Indo-European, And in fact there are many elements that lead back to a power of Masonic-Bandarian origin beyond European, and it works for the destruction of the native powers.
This system has a tendency to spread the institutional disgrace, the denial of individual merit, It is essentially without ethics.
E’ It is clear that to start institutional healing and reverse necrotic self -destruction, You need to identify this power, and engrave precisely as it had a scalpel, if necessary eliminating surrounding tissues even if healthy collimating.
I think there are other ways to go in the European direction.
Now, for example,, There is no hesitation of cutting a non -democratically determined government nor his fake head of state elected by an unleaded parliament. If you don't do it, the institutions will be legally dead.
You must identify a head of state legally legitimated, There is no other way.