Communism caused more deaths than the two world wars.
The Russian communism did 60-80 million deaths, non 20, then add the Chinese dead, e ne esce il più grande massacro della storia, pure evil. “How many total were the victims in the Soviet Union? According to the allegations the professor of statistics Kurganov, between 1917 and the 1959, cioè nei primi 42 years of communist rule, human losses due to deportations to death camps, convictions for forced labor, alle fucilazioni di massa o alle carestie provocate dall’arresto e dalla deportazione di milioni di contadini furono più di 60 millions. To confirm this issue appallingly high casualties, higher than ten times the number of Jews perished because of’0locausto, it should be remembered that the 28 October 1994, in an address to the Russian Parliament (Duma), Solzhenitsyn claimed that the deaths were due to communism 60 millions: nobody, both in Parliament and outside, It objected. ”