Giuliani and others accuse the Secretary of State of Giorgia of electoral fraud and concealment of evidence
In hearing at the parliamentary commission of the Senate della Giorgia, Giuliani, Trump's attorney, he declared that only in Giorgia there were:
– 2.5600 criminal votes
– 15.700 votes from people who changed residence just before the elections
– 40.000 people could not re-register for the vote
– 10.315 people voted and turned out to be dead
Giuliani then reported that in Michigan it was verified that Dominion's vote counting machines have “fractionated” i voti, that is, given half or a quarter vote to a candidate, which makes no legal or practical sense, but the “vote change” da un eletto all’altro è chiaramente indicato nel manuale delle macchine conta voti Dominion.
Giuliani reported that 22 macchine sono state analizzate da ex membri dell’esercito e della NSA (very powerful electronic control organization) , and all showed that with each recount the results were different, e gli stessi analisti sono stati in grado di spostare grandi quantità di voti da un candidato all’altro.
Giuliani denounced that the pro-Biden election result in Georgia was driven by some garage shifting 40-50.000 votes and that this is easily verified with a manual recount or with a forensic analysis of 2 days, but that these same checks in Georgia were instead prevented by the Secretary of State who opposed them.
Giuliani insisted on the manual recount of the cards with the verification of the illegal ones with forensic expertise.
Giuliani ha evidenziato che ci sono numerosi testimoni di queste frodi hanno già rilasciato dichiarazioni.
Giuliani ha poi evidenziato che per la Costituzione degli Stati Uniti d’America, l’organismo responsabile del controllo e della dichiarazione finale dei voti ottenuti nello Stato non è il Governatore o il Segretario di Stato (once again accused of being complicit in the fraud) but of the legislative body, who can and must validate the result up to two minutes before the proclamation of the President by the Grand Electors.
Another fact that proves the scam, according to Giuliani, is that Republican candidates for the Senate have passed del 4-6% the votes of allegedly elected Democratic president Biden, because that system hasn't been corrupted that much by fraud
After Giuliani, a lawyer from Georgia Bob Chili, showed the video of a polling station where some women scrutinizers, after having removed all the witnesses (scrutinizers and media) with the excuse of a non-existent loss, they made the dominion machines count the same ballots over and over again, in order to defraud the vote. Questo nel momento in cui lo scrutinio era stato sospeso e si era stabilito di continuare il conteggio l’indomani. Grande sorpresa c’è stata quando la mattina si è scoperto che così poche persone avevano completato il conteggio in così poche ore nella notte.
This is the information that comes along for itself 12 minutes of a video over 1 and now 45 minutes.
In my view, the evidence of fraud is serious and solid, l’impedire il riconteggio dimostra che è in corso un tentativo di colpo di Stato negli USA.