Once Europe has been made, the Europeans must be made: here is the nation-Europe
Since September 1993 to all 1994 I lived in Belgium as a student.
The campus was located on the hills outside Liege, and it was equipped with incredible services in the eyes of many of us. It included classrooms, libraries, sport facilities, swimming pool, even a hospital in the shape of a pyramid in the countryside.
Also on campus, I lived in a beautiful house of the student beehive designed by a famous Belgian architect,.
We were about to 300, per un totale di oltre venti nazionalità. C’erano anche i rumeni appena usciti dalla dittatura.
C’erano le nazionalità più coese (the etnocentriche), as the Romanians, the Spanish, but also the British.
C’erano i popoli più aperti, or less ethnocentric, e sorprenderà molti sapere che i più cosmopoliti, culturally, the Germans were, but the Danes, Swedes, the Irish… We respected all, not a few are also married to each other, I myself did meet a few couples.
Nei discorsi ognuno metteva la propria identità, but respecting the differences, ed è stato forse proprio lì che ho cominciato a capire che la mia identità in effetti non era del tutto uguale a quella delle molte altri parti d’Italia. The Northern Italians were a little’ on them than those in the south, e comunque c’erano tanti siciliani con cui passavo abbastanza tempo.
Il tema è che a nessuno di noi di tutta Europa sarebbe mai venuto in mente di scrivere una porcata come quella su
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Why we are seeing this filth ? Perhaps that “Once Europe has been made, the Europeans must be made?”
Those who have tried these experiments nation's only got wars, misery and despair.