Here's how the Venetian Republic became the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia
There are several groups in Veneto that claim to be the followers of a provisional government of the Republic of Venice.
Others dream of the rebirth of the Venetian Republic through a referendum for independence.
Then there are those like me who demand the sovereignty of Lombardy-Veneto already applicable today, without referendum, and directly ask not to pay taxes to Italy.
On the fact that the referendum is not possible I have already written a book, and also a lot on the net. I will limit myself only to pointing out that a new state was born from a referendum, and any hypothesis of “new” Veneto State (let's call it what we want), it should obligatorily take on a share of the public debt deriving from the Italian State, effectively making him dead even before he was born.
Rather, if the new Veneto state was born as large as the current Veneto region, It would actually be a tiny staterello, unable to survive economically due to the narrow borders and territory, owner of nothing but burdened with huge Italian debts. In short, it would not be able to give any well-being to that part of the Venetians who would be part of it, and it wouldn't have that minimum size to take off. Not only, as a new state it could not claim the restitution of the Veneto lands of Friuli-Venezia-Giulia and others, and should guarantee their possession to Italy for the principle of non-interference.
Better would already be a Venetian state as big as the one invaded by Italy in 1866 , but still there would be huge debts to crush it. Anyhow, I repeat, The referendum cannot be done for a region, born per 2 regions. That's why I personally fight against the referendum hypothesis. Above all, I highlight it, Those who speak of referendum recognize the legality of Italian possession of today's Veneto, and the dispossession perpetrated by Italy for 1 century and a half , and also that of today (The Venetians are among the most taxed in Italy).
Those who claim continuity with the ancient Venetian Republic obviously legally do not recognize the Italian public debt, and even claims all the territories of the same. And it would be a great state to come back as strong as ever over the millennia.
Unfortunately, however, there is no continuity with the Venetian Republic, to my knowledge, for several reasons.
Meanwhile, we must acquire some fundamental concepts, including that of “continuity” between states and that of "successor state" . There is continuity of a state when one state takes over another in the rights, in obligations, in the properties, in the treaties, and has a certain continuity also in the territory.
Continuity has particular importance not so much with respect to properties and territories, but above all with respect to the treaties that he continues to consider valid as he had signed them, Just as he accepts the responsibility for war damage to be paid (or to receive), and guarantees previous pensions such as public debt (your part).
A state can choose whether to be or not to be considered successor of the entity preceding him, but in fact it must guarantee the continuity of the contracts signed otherwise does not obtain the recognition of the neighboring states.
Another fundamental concept of law is that of "autogoverno dei peoples", which indicates the principle according to which the population of a territory has the right to be consulted when deciding to transfer their territory from one state to another.
Before 1840 the territories could be sold and bought with everything that was inside, including population. After that date (established by the International Court of Justice), The territories could no longer be transferred except with the consent of the resident populations.
Even in the event of war, Before 1840 if you lost the war you lost everything; after 1840 instead, the conquest was valid only if confirmed by the populations.
Precisely because of this "right of self -government" from 1849 a territory cannot be simply conquered, not even with war, a plebiscite of consensus of the conquered must be made.
That's why Italy, after all the conquests and invasions of the 1861 E 1866 he organized plebiscites, generally false and blatantly bogus, especially since organized by the invader state.
Now we can return to the Serenissima that the 12 May 1797 He abrogated his government and recognized Napoleon as the head of the whole administration.
There are those who say that the resolution was disabled because the legal number was missing, But I pointed out that in reality there was most likely a legal number for the resolutions.
However, the fact remains that the Serenissima was in fact conquered by Napoleon, and at the time, Unfortunately, the right of peoples to self-government did not yet exist.
I wish I could be proven wrong on these points, but it is only a wish, which unfortunately no one has yet realized despite my provocations against those who speak of the Venetian Republic.
Unfortunately, the Venetian Republic was conquered by Napoleon by deception, submitted to it, and He cut it to pieces, some were detached and given to other states, the rest he gave to those Austrians who in theory wanted to go and fight, reason why he entered the republic without resistance (there was a treaty of passage).
The Austrians (Actually the Habsburgs), they took the Republic again with Istria and Dalmatia, always Venetian, and further tore it to pieces, uniting Brescia and Bergamo with Milan and the Lombardy region, By calling all this "Lombardy" which however was part, with the Veneto of the Lombard-Veneto Kingdom.
Lombard-Veneto is in practice the successor state of the Venetian Republic, has preserved its international legal sovereignty, It is its continuity, albeit lacking in some territories.
The thing is, which as I have demonstrated for years, Lombard-Veneto did not voluntarily join the Kingdom of Italy, but it was actually invaded and swindled.
Therefore not only the Serenissima Republic cannot be reborn as it was in 1797, But the Serenissima in fact is today Lombardo-Veneto.
In addition, the government system of the Venetian Republic, which in some respects is still more advanced than many states, however today a democratic voting system should be revised and integrated, and human rights.
Whether we like it or not, Thus is international law.
We can aspire to the Venetian Republic , and its system of governance (as long as updated), but claiming its existence simply ignores the facts. E’ as if today some descendant of Caesar claimed the Empire.
In return, pursue the sovereignty of Lombardo-Veneto, which is in the laws, it offers the advantage not only of not having to take on debts made by Italy, but on the contrary , to be able to claim from Italy the enormous payment of the damage suffered, the illegitimate occupation of 1 century and a half.
To begin to free yourself, there is only to be filled 2 moduli.