Lies banking on Venice
It is always difficult to say absolutely true things about the history of the Venetian Republic, because in 1200 years of existence many things have evolved and changed.
Instead, a lot of lies are told about it, distinguishable by the fact that they are presented as absolute truths and always aimed at giving a completely negative image of it., which is not possible. This way of representing things is typical of “Jacobins” cultural descendants of the criminals who overthrew it and who still today try to transform the admirable history of the Venetian Republic from a symbol of freedom in human history into a history of malfeasance. E’ in short, the attempt of those who destroyed a great civilization to erase even the memory of it from the minds to enslave contemporary man as well.
It is said that Venice is at the origin of the current banking system. This is not true, and instead it is necessary to go to Medici Tuscany to look for the foundations of world usury.
The Venetian Republic had instead harnessed the international financial powers, along with the military and merchant ones to improve the power of the state in his one main purpose, namely serve the community (we would say today “national”) . The sole purpose was to give the maximum of well-being, freedom and justice for its citizens, avoiding that this sfociasse in communism, Unlike, with the widest possible margin for individual development. For this they also exploited technological advances, culture, and everything could serve, including a relentless combating gangs and cliques of power. All the legal system of governance was hinged on this : the fight against conflict of interest, monopolies and criminals.
Today I received a mystification among many that says that Venice is at the origin of the contemporary banking system, which today is leading us to bankruptcy and servitude. Too bad that would not be the first time that takes place after the fall of Venice! E’ an overview on the history of Venice totally distorted and inconsistent.
For example, The Venetian Republic minted its own money, while the EU today (and Italy before that) he makes it beat a private bank like the ECB which has no criminal liability, it cannot be criticized by governments (Telling the Lisbon Treaty) and not submit annual accounts publicly .
The Venetian republic borrowed money from private banks or from the market, as does the Italian state today, and how the EU wants to force all countries in bailout fund.
The RV borrowed money from itself by creating the coinage, and only in cases of war he demanded the precious metals on loan to people in exchange for an interest in that quantified “mountains pledge” . Then always extinguished, but it was for centuries the Monte Vecchio and Monte again. It was invaded when he no longer had debts and enormous wealth.
In order to achieve the goals of the state (who was at that time the citizens) , a specific economic and accounting judiciary supervised the public use of money and credit, and he controlled the circulation of money so there was “euflation” (term coined recently by Miclavez) .
These skills today are not even covered in the states, because neither the minister of economy, neither the treasury nor the court of auditors control the circulation of money, i.e. the quantity in circulation, but they do private bankers. The state today can only get into debt and suffer the conditions dictated by the banks.
The VR never created money out of nothing, because he used coins of gold and silver, in short he never practiced seigniorage except to a minimal extent (decrease in the weight of the coin), and he did not give the banks a way to create virtual currency through the bank loan in the open, also because the church prohibited lending itself as prescribed by the Bible (this last precept is still respected by the Muslim world).
However, Venice city was the Wall Street of its time, and the Jewish Ghetto was the self-governing district ( an autonomous city complete with its own guards) where Jews practiced banking activities prohibited elsewhere. The Jewish religion it does not prohibit the loan debt, not to wear, it would impose their cancellation each 7 years, something that obviously does not happen.
Venice also had a source of income from the metal trades, because the price of gold and silver differed between the east and the west, so he bought on one side to sell on the other like any other commodity.
These few elements fundamentally exclude the theory that Venetian bankers led to today's situation, if anything they prevented it so much that Venice paid with death for not having bowed to those mechanisms.
Venice it was invaded and destroyed in 1797 by a horde of criminals freed from French prisons who arrived in rags under the command of a Mason funded by banking powers, a certain Napoleon Bonaparte ( for another language and culture toscaneggiante) .
The invasion transformed France from a state on the brink of social and economic collapse to a rich and powerful state that still enjoys loot stolen from Venice today.. At defrauding the rest of provvedettero Republic successive invaders, the Habsburgs, that in addition to borrow local government is seized businesses, moved the “bags” a Vienna, and they took advantage of all the facilities like the Venetian navy to extend their rule.
The myth of the Republic stood for a long time that the'Italy mistakenly believed it would still find wealth when it invaded 50 years later. When illegally he took the Lombardy, with the 2 large cities of Bergamo and Brescia found nothing to steal there, and to repay the expenses to recoup its losses on the population with multiple printing money. Others 6 years later, in 1866, made wars to take the rest of Venetia , but saw himself defeated and humiliated, and was content with the subterfuge of fraud and corruption to take de facto control of the territory. He no longer found any wealth there, and then you revenge on the people with taxes, esproprie and robbery, so much so that it led the Venetians to starvation for the first time and forced them to emigrate by the millions.
The same fate was reserved for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, which had been invaded, raided, repressed, to reduce it to a servant of the Piedmont (then Italy), and the responsible lineage is always the banking-Freemason potentate, because he was the King of Piedmont “brother” (fellow Masons) of Napoleon's descendant who helped him so much in these crimes.
I'm sorry for the lies about Venice, today history can be learned thanks to books and the internet. And it is the duty of every Venetian, Lombard and Mantuan to know these facts , otherwise you ago when scene changes in television debates is insulted our story with the lies of the Masons, come it happened to that Venetian lawyer who made a silent scene about similar things a short time ago. How do you propose as a representative of the Venetians who do not even know their history ?