A staggering number of people with less than 50 years is being affected by a cancer biologically different from the usual ones, so as to be referred to as “turbo cancer”. E’ a widespread phenomenon also in Italy and known in the corridors of doctors.
Esteemed professionals say COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have caused the emergence of these “turbo cancer”, but despite the current surge in cases, the phenomenon is not even considered by US regulatory agencies and beyond .
In a Epoch Times article who talks about it is reported by the testimony of Dr. Cole who reports that documents obtained by public authorities show that the CDC knew about the cancer : “Government agencies knew there would be cancers with these vaccines, and they tried to hide it, but the data is unmasking them”.
Some cancer deniers say cancer rates have been on the rise for decades, blaming sugary drinks,poor quality sleep and lifestyle in general, but they do not explain the biological anomaly of these new cancers.
If you take into account that in unvaccinated populations, and in the unvaccinated, these phenomena are almost completely absent, here is the clear connection with vaccinations. And since this is now blatant, this explains why farm animals are vaccinated with mRNA (which will become contaminated food) and new ones are being sought to vaccinate without consent such as GMO mosquitoes.
Personally I read the phenomenon of “turbo cancer” as one of the many elements that reveal that the public health authorities of the Western world have acted in total disregard for human rights, scientific sources show that this is the rule and despite the judiciary there are no magistrates who can investigate..