Zaia swears the self-government of the Veneto people: a mass distraction
For those who had not arrived the news, Luca Zaia, alleged elected to the presidency of the Veneto Region, He wants to achieve the self -government of the Venetian people.? THE 5 May 2010, in front of the Veneto Regional Council, He swores faithful? to the Italian Constitution, to the laws and sworn to achieve the self -government of the Venetian people according to the will? people of Veneto.
They told me that, How did the doge, He also sworn Fedelont? a S.Marco, But he was certainly not in the face of his relic nor did he wear the ducal horn, nor was it appointed by the National Parliament of the Veneto people.
Unfortunately? As usual I have to turn off the easy enthusiasm saying that most likely? it is a deception, A weapon of distraction.
in conclusion, There is a trick in all this, A cheating on the Venetian people, And I'll explain it to you.
But first allow me the reader to let him know that the self -government of the Veneto people, Based on my legal project,? I founded it? legally in 1999 with? Bepin Segato, unfortunately deceased, and Luciano Franceschi, retreat to private life.
Later I led to the self -government to the limelight? With legal initiatives such as the issue of residence permits of the Veneto people, recognized legal, but also the vouchers of State Veneto and other procedures. I want to take me the merit but to give way to read the reality? To those who are deceived by the media who silence the law of the Veneto people.
Indeed, It should be noted that certainly, If only now Zaia recognizes the existence of the right of self -government of the Venetian people, it means someone woke up very late. Because then we lost 11 years ? Because Galan never made self -government as he was asked for legal routes ?
Where they were Zaia and the League when we of the self -government organized the national elections of the Venetian people in 2000 It is in the 2009?
Because when in the 2000 they attributed the attack on the Constitution, life imprisonment crime, The League and Zaia kept silent?
(The charge was archived like all the others 5 The 6 that I had, I am still uncensored).
Because when the carabinieri beaten me and the then Minister of the Interior Veneto the League, to the government, he silenced?
Let's go back to Zaia.
We asked for the cancellation of the regional elections of the 2010 because the regional electoral system did not reserve places for the Veneto people, How to do it in Istria and Dalmatia for minorities.
In fact, the Venetian people are recognized by the law of 1971, But from 1997, For the law n.302, He also gave the right to bilingualism in the offices, in schools, on road signs,? TV channels and newspapers in Venetian language etc.,
Faced with all this, the Veneto Region led by Lega and PDL has done nothing. He has not even managed to make the state recognize that the Venetian language is a right. Zaia himself last year said that Veneto is not a language !
They are the ones who keep the rights of the Venetian people crushed, they are not the solution, they were the problem.
I represent the self -government of the Venetian people, legally, But I also represent the Venetie party for self -government, political expression of that Venetian people who recognize the law, as people of nationalities? different from the Italian one, ie “national minority” in the legal terms.
The regional council in the and? 2009 It was requested to respect the rights of self -government, that with the Lisbon Treaty from 1 DECEMBER 2010 have become inalienable rights, to be respected by the State.
So it is right that the alleged president of the Zaia region dica that respect? The rights of self -government of the Venetian people.
But precisely because they recognize that they exist, also recognizes that regional elections 2010 they were not valid, because they were made without recognizing any reserve of seats to the Veneto people or guarantees of participation as required by the legislation on minorities .
THE 7 of July there will be? In the Council of State a second hearing for the process of canceling the regional elections. Which must however be canceled because the government, modifying the electoral law, has violated art.122 of the Constitution.
then, why this release of Zaia?
In my opinion he expects himself like us that regional elections are canceled, and prepare the ground for the new election campaign.
If the regional elections are not canceled, Italy lose? the lawyer? On the Lombardy-Veneto territory because in violation of human rights.
Some birds told me that Zaia's exit is motivated by a corruption scandal that? He has to burst but I refuse to accept this shameful hypothesis.
What is certain is that Zaia does not represent the Venetian people: The Constitutional Court has already? clarified? that one “region”, as the instrumental body of the State, cannot represent a “people”, He said it with the sentence n.365 of 2007 When the Sardinia Region attempted the constituent of the Sardinian people.
On the other hand, It seems evident to me that the autonomous government of a people does the people themselves, And the Venetian people are also present in Friuli Venezia Giulia, as in the former Terre Venete. Zaia is nothing more than a “Governor” of the Roman system, It does not have the powers to represent the Venetian people.
The Venetian people currently represent it, The Veneto National Parliament appointed me, Otato by all Venetian citizens who wanted to vote in all the Venetians.
However, If Zaia wants “realize” self -government, which is already? legally constituted by 1999, must necessarily pass through our institutions. But it has only to raise the phone, and we will do? The necessary and legally due steps to achieve the goal.
The legal power could also be conferred on him to represent the Venetian people, and implement a power transfer program between legislations, giving self -government the functions of autonomous and self -government body in the Italian state, Like Livigno and Bolzano, In short, we can also give him the saving from any judicial investigation.
But you know Zaia that to make self -government you need to be like diamonds, transparent and pure in intentions, last in pursuing the purposes.
E’ A fact that those who attempted without these qualities have all ended up dirty. It is not something with which you play, because it applies about 150 billions of euros per year of internal product. We are talking about the most productive territory in Europe, which is robbed of 80% of the product.
If you are not able, or the purposes are others, Better to dedicate yourself and make the wooden head of the regime as certain other councils, it is much healthier.
For example, even in this period I am on trial, I asserted that i “tax judges” are prohibited by the Constitution, And there are also audio recordings of that day, We hope that the Italian judge accepts them after refusing the cards on the illegal invasion of the 1866.