Shocking truth, doctors and nurses do not vaccinate: fear that hurt?
Doctors and nurses in recent months have had a radical change of attitude on the issue of vaccines. In fact, until a few months ago they said to the relatives not to vaccinate safely. Ma ora però c’è l’obbligo della Lorenzin, illegal and against human rights, e c’è in TV la guerra sacra dei finti scienziati che essa porta con sé, and there are doctors struck off, c’è la caccia alle streghe delle opinioni contrarie, if necessary, the journalists will be radiated by law. They even set up new “rules” sulla ricerca scientifica per impedire la libertà della stessa.
Credo che nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimento c’era meno oppressione e più libertà nella ricerca, perché oggi non ti bruciano fisicamente ma ti distruggono la vita in ogni aspetto, forse è perfino peggio di allora. And the parties also born in the wake of “stop” on vaccines now they want maximum coverage and obligation, strengthening this climate.
E’ therefore understandable that in this climate of terror, doctors have also changed face with their families.
There are several relatives and friends of the doctors and nurses who brought me this total change of face, often reported with disgust and strengthening it “Cat cats us”.
And there hatching fact, perché non si spiega come mai allora, dato che affermano la bontà di questi vaccini medici ed infermieri non siano i primi a vaccinarsi, ma bensì gli ultimi.
It follows from various news and research that doctors and nurses do not vaccinate, although vaccination for their free and readily available. But how? If they do so well these vaccines, and I'm pretty sure, perché non si vaccinano ? Why We must threaten to send them to paperwork away from the lanes to force them?
Yet they are the first potential vectors of diseases, according to the theory of illusory “coverage”, that will not stand up if you look at the studies on epidemiological statistics.
Then we just have a highlight: doctors know that vaccines They can do much harm, e lo fanno non così di rado. In realtà sanno che i vaccini in distribuzione sono pieni di metalli pesanti non di rado mortali a breve termine, but also medium and long. Infatti non c’è alcuna “minimum dose” di tollerabilità per metalli come l’aluminum, mercury etc., in vaccines that are given to children.
Why doctors do not vaccinate?
If you join the dots , with continuing reports of bambini trovati morti in culla che è un fatto correlato con le vaccinazioni, of children vaccinated for meningitis who get meningitis (as if there were only one Meningitis!), of children after vaccination have such adverse events also to suffer damage serious…… dai morti di influenza che si accompagnano alla scoperta che i vaccinati contro l’influenza si ammalano di più di quelli non vaccinati.
How many deaths you want even before you begin to understand ?
If someone does not know what I mean, just to read the links on this (and if you had not realized you have to realize that you have everything under your nose and you do not see ) , or that do some simple research on the net, or ask me about if you still do not believe it.
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