1. fleur
    12 January 2011 @ 21:26

    Beautiful piece. Sincerely, I do not see anything wrong that the German capital buy the’ Italian industry. They put us profits, noi la creatività . And we come out yet.


  2. Paolo
    29 November 2007 @ 08:39

    Interesting post that, But, It has left out an aspect of fundamental importance, namely the decline of globalization(Finally) due to peak oil or peak oil production.
    increasingly expensive fuels or even poor, price of maritime freight growing exponentially and then downloaded to the final price of the processed product or merchandise, They will make it uncompetitive everything that is produced in low-wage countries(good only for slaves) e soprattutto sarà sempre più difficoltoso e costoso importare dall’estero.
    E’ inevitable in the near future the return to local / national economies.
    An advice:dusted bicycles…


  3. giuseppe
    17 November 2007 @ 16:19

    Dear Max 6 Friends
    I'm really discouraged and do not see a viable choice in our political landscape. The names change, and symbols, coalitions but new people are not there and the old do not even technical intelligence to improve our country just look at the issue alarming security HELLO


  4. D
    14 November 2007 @ 15:22

    I agree with the belief that we are DOVER consumers to make a difference, in addition to doing COULD. who knows’ Why’ but’ at the right time always prevails the way of convenience. … Unfortunately, and I hate to say, we have rulers who reflect us, speaking in general. we join forces, we can still turn things around!!!


  5. max
    9 November 2007 @ 18:53

    The fault is not Ciampi, because that was the system that the policy adopted and he had to follow the directives. The fact of keeping us in the famous narrow band, It was a political choice, Ciampi, who had to follow, using all the tools.

    A Giuseppe dico che non è vero che la guerra incrementa l’economia. E’ dimostrato che l’economia di pace è più redditizzia (gli inglesi hanno pagato i debiti della I guerra mondiale fino agli anni ’60).

    at dinner, that with the high price of oil is having big problems, in questi giorni sta pensando di proporre di acquistarlo in un’altra valuta.


  6. adriano Zanchin
    8 November 2007 @ 19:25

    In your Panto Segato and died a natural death or were made out?


  7. Oscar Boscaro
    8 November 2007 @ 12:14


  8. Oscar Boscaro
    8 November 2007 @ 12:14

    To the c.a. Loris Palmerini:
    LET'S SEE IF SOMEONE…. GIVE an alarm!
    (P.S.: FORCE Beppe Grillo!!!)


  9. Oscar Boscaro
    8 November 2007 @ 12:10

    Cos’e’ Social Prosumer
    Large numbers is the literature dealing with the Prosumer, quindi è un fenomeno non sol già esistente, but growing.
    Nella società si avverte una voglia di partecipazione che cresce di pari passo con la crisi di fiducia nelle istituzioni e di coloro che le rappresentano.
    Political parties and public administration, although not clearly manifest the, warn the, and companies realize that they have to contend with consumers who are increasingly critical and careful.
    The request for participation from the bottom and want to build a new lease of life through new forms : social forum, events in the square, girotondi, blog, V-day. Another possible way is the consumer boycott, that rewards companies by ethical conduct and social responsibility at the expense of other.
    The Prosumer, active and participating consumer, He wants the redefinition of the rules of the game and wants to be part of it, to hear his case.
    Politicians and he realized via surveys, urban projects in which it involves the population, primary election, forum, blog want to satisfy the thirst for citizen participation, ma l’impressione è che sia solo una facciata, only a sop. It is therefore important to be vigilant and present, always.
    We are asking for your involvement to create a constructive network, aimed at enhancing the knowledge of each, inspire debate and then to a cultural production, fruit of the pooling of their experience and expertise.
    Together we can put pressure on governments, on the market, sulle organizzazioni come l’ONU, and the means by which we do that is powerful: the Square event leave the wind voices, here remains black on white and impossibilie ignore it when it is done in a big way. in piu’ you can’ do from home using very little time.
    Abbiamo coniato la figura del Social Prosumer perchè vogliamo sia chiaro che operiamo nell’interesse della collettività , without making money over, but only to get a better life, a true democracy, more justice. For us and for the entire planet.
    For example, if we reward companies that use packaging made from recycled products, che non inducono quindi al consumo di nuove risorse che sono patrimonio di tutta l’umanita’, Perhaps not think the others would be forced to adapt?
    Se puntiamo il dito su un’azienda farmaceutica che non produce un farmaco salvavita solo perche’ it is not’ profitable, and we do not buy more’ its prodtti, You think it can have no effect?
    Se vigiliamo sull’attività del governo ed alziamo la voce pensate che non ne debbano tenere conto? We are those who will be called to rieleggerli.
    We are many, we just get together and keep us connected to each of us. By this means you do not have more’ excuses… each of us can do something, think about it.
    We can no longer’ Say… It all goes wrong, but what can I do? Mica I can change the world!
    Well it is no longer’ cosi’, It begins to adhere to Social Prosumer, that will connect’ with other initiatives, che collaborerà con associazioni già esistenti ed operative.
    There are many projects and fields of application.
    What we need to do is make us recognizable, darci un’organizzazione ed aderire, in modo da avere tutti un’unica voce nel momento giusto.
    JOIN AND SEEDS PURE TU, for you and your children
    by Dilia



  10. giuseppe
    8 November 2007 @ 10:30

    I have some relatives in Argentina, and for years has said our performance based on their experience. We are not far from a similar crisis to the one that took them. Situation created by our governments and the decisive shove given by euro lira to which the good Prodi has not been able to say his in locations and the most important time after the Second World War, but he only had a grin unfortunately. Il problema reale è che da troppo tempo non c’è una guerra in europa e i nostri sistemi economici non sono in grado di crescere continuamente se non c’è una distruzione. L’America ne sa qualcosa essendo la sua forza basata su un industria bellica deve creare guerre in giro per il mondo, We ?? if we had a general with balls instead of the belly there would be a coup because from right to left these us - + - + - O still us.


    • fleur
      12 January 2011 @ 21:29

      E’ ultrasfruttata a thesis and also quite flawed.


  11. Alessandro Pentori
    8 November 2007 @ 09:50

    It would be curious to get to the source of the problem and understand why the dollar is devalued because it is not used and a currency that does not suffer from these problems…

    Chissà perchè però nessuno mette in dubbio la necessità di avere una moneta imposta per legge


    • fleur
      12 January 2011 @ 21:28

      should the…from.. all private bankers who are earning on our skin. So goodbye caste.


  12. I
    8 November 2007 @ 08:54

    You know, AND, that spam is a crime? Anyway I agree with the above


  13. me
    8 November 2007 @ 08:26

    I just found out the problem of blogs: all they can say shit in journalistic form.
    Specifically on this blog.


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