1. Jacopo Castellini
    8 July 2010 @ 16:17

    I personally believe that they are right and Zavala is Palmerini, since the Savoy Masonry has damaged both the South and the Venezie and the exploitation of both it is essential to thieving Rome, but above all it is the finance that holds it in his hand. Putting ourselves against each other is functional to the system. Anyway, non credo che la secessione salverà nessuno dei due. L’unica cosa che ci salverà sarà riappropriarsi della sovranità come individui e comunità locali, instead create micro-regional states would only serve to destroy the nation-states (real or imagined) per rafforzare l’usurocrazia dominante (divide et impera). Lo Stato presto o tardi andrà in bancarotta e allora la scelta sarà tra fascismo (Fini or Montezemolo) and secession. For this, the League was supported by the powers in the last election. So today Vendola in Puglia talk of secession.
    FalsoBlondet denunciò mesi fa nel suo blog l’intenzione -negli alti livelli- to kill Berlusconi and Bossi to unleash a civil war in the north that would lead to Fascism. A few days later, his blog was deleted (dopo aver già ricevuto minacce di morte).
    A year ago Beppe Grillo (notoriously Puppet City) launching his political movmento said, Once the money ran out, it would be danced a pre-unified dance or Fascist. Era un’ammissione ufficiale del progetto, for those who can read between the lines. E non è un caso che L’Economist (organ of bankers in the City) Continuous from months to instigate secession in Italy.

    lei mi sta simpatico e ha tutta la mia solidarietà , but it seems that she wants to die a martyr. His intelligence we need to live!


  2. MindyTerrell27
    2 July 2010 @ 15:10

    I think that to receive the loan from banks you ought to have a good reason. But, one time I’ve received a bank loan, just because I was willing to buy a bike.


  3. Franco Zavala
    25 June 2010 @ 18:13

    Dear Palmerini,
    Two of schiallaquone in Sicile There is absolutely nothing.
    Just think that 30 million euro of funds FAS, elargiti al Sud dalla comunità Europea, non certo dall’italietta becera e massone, destinati all’infrastrutture, railways, roads and highways, They were looted by the Tuscan-Po government and intended for the North to make new highways and “beautify”, Once again, Lombard lakes. I'm 150 the Two Sicilies suffer colonialism northerner, I do not think the case averted. But then, We, You like Venetian, we want to Our Most Holy Independence, He tells me what sense does it make us the “war”??? The enemy is always one: Italian occupying state!!!
    May I humbly advice and then I close.
    Before making offensive statements towards my people, face of the studies and avoid falling into the popular rhetoric, is not she!!!
    a warm greeting

    Franco Zavala


    • loris
      25 June 2010 @ 18:42

      Dear Zavala,
      THE “North lot” NUMERICALLY it is demonstrated by this book

      Purtroppo non è un’opinione, money out of the Lombardo-Veneto and to come largely in 2 Sicilie. Come è dimostrato l’alta evasione fiscale , lo dice l’Agenzia delle Entrate.

      I understand this is hard to accept, it is also for those who suffer.

      Come te io sono decisamente a favore dell’indipendenza della Sicilia, and it is this mountain of money the real chain that prevents, for in them is standing mantenie the Italian state system, occupants who arrived with bayonets.
      Regional pensions after 15 years, the salaries of counselors like those MPs, the fake invalids and false unemployed, the many public service, forestry, public works , the bridge over the Strait etc.. etc. unfortunately they are maintained by Northern money.

      I am also convinced that all this money largely come in the Sicilian pockets, ma di una cupola di potere regionale che li investe all’estero, not in Italy, too much “traceable”.

      Since independence like you, che vuole portare libertà alla sua gente dalla dominazione italiana (however, short-term debt due), ti dico che non puoi perseguire la libertà senza conoscere la tua gente e portare loro la verità .

      Your rights will never be unless you are willing to recognize others'.

      And I say: It will make the end of South Tyrol, che assistenziati come sono hanno perso ogni capacità di autonomia e anche l’Austria gli sta restituendo il simbolo della loro protezione.
      Fight with me magna magna if you love your people.

      PS: avete fatto l’anagrafe del popolo siciliano ?


      • Franco Zavala
        1 July 2010 @ 18:36

        Dear Palmerini,
        I marvel at her but does not know the story.
        She talks of the Two Sicilies referring to Sicily and to sicialiani, MISTAKEN!!!
        Le Due Sicilie era la denominazione dell’antico Regno di Napoli (1130-1861), It called precisely the Kingdom Of The Two Sicilies after the Congress of Vienna (1815), when even the Sicila joined the Neapolitan Kingdom.
        I do not need to read books written rhetorical to the North to discredit My South, the best games I have thousands, but I keep them for me, tanto neanche Lei li leggerà mai!!!
        As for the fake invalids, le pensioni d’oro dei deputati (state and regional), banking scams, state aid to companies nordiste, I “failures” piloted, c etc.; Well, You are the True Master and you know how to cash in.
        He speaks well of the bridge across the Straits, Ok, I reply: NO SOUTH WANTS!!!
        But he wants the state Tuscan-Po must “give away” a lot of money to IMPREGILO, alias Benetton & C.
        This means that we South, we pay even more exorbitant fees to do “cash desk” Benetton family (veneta).
        My speech pure South Tyrol, perhaps because it was thought that the Two Sicilies was only Sicily, otherwise it would not have made this senseless comparison.
        Well, the danger she feared, Luckily, does not exist.
        The people duosiciliano boasts 25 million inhabitants and more 25 milioni di emigranti sia all’estero che in padania.
        Emigrazione che è nata dopo l’Invasione piemontese, First they were those in the North to emigrate, mainly in Our Kingdom!!!
        Il mio Popolo è sempre più informato di quello che ci è stato fatto dalla Falsa unità ad oggi ed è consapevole che bisogna reagire giorno dopo giorno e lottare fino all’ultimo respiro per L’INDIPENDENZA!!!
        Anyway, Finally, I tell her that we South, we dialogue much better with Albert Gardin INDEPENDENCE VENETA it with you.
        Siamo già pronti a fare “battles” square with. They are very culturally prepared and have the MAXIMUM respect for us as we for Them.
        Se la SERENISSIMA ritornerà INDIPENDENTE, lo dovrà a questi Movimenti a loro collegati, certainly not to you that I know a lot “prig” but poorly prepared, of politics, history and economics.
        Lei mi sembra un leghista dell’ultima ora, Indeed Bossi knows the history and does not want the Secession (not in their interests), deve spremere la Colonia Sud fino all’ultimo e non ha intenzione di mollare l’osso.
        If you are a League, I understand your premises; if not, Le dico che con persone come Lei il Veneto rimarrà sotto il giogo dello stato INVASORE per altri 1.500 years.

        P. s. As well as take care of the Future of My Homeland, I also have a job ( I do not perceive it false pensions or other), I will not answer further comments, I have more important things to do. Spero solo che rifletta un pochino e se crede Veramente nell’Indipendenza e nell’Autodeterminazione dei Popoli oppressi, you start to become a little more humble and tolerant towards others.

        A dispassionate advice, better studies History, It can not do policy if you do not know!!!

        Franco Zavala


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