According to the WHO, normal flu killed FIVE TIMES more than Covid-19
A part is given from Israel it emerges that the mask alone and some social distancing would have been sufficient to "cut" the peak of Covid-19, without lockdown, that is, without blocking economic activity, on the other hand, it should be highlighted that compared to Covid-19 we are in evidence of a collective hysteria induced by the media.
Indeed it is the same WHO that informed us that normal flu reaped in 2017 over 650.000 victims, that is people who died from flu and not from flu. According to some scholars, millions would die from the flu if we also counted those who died from the aggravation of previous diseases caused by the flu.
Covid-19, already present all over the world, to date we count, Unfortunately, circa 130.000 victims, who died with Covid-19 and not Covid-19, the Higher Institute of Health also says so .
Just to be clear, if one dies of a heart attack, if you have Covid-19 (even without symptoms) he is classified as Covid-19 dead, if he does not, he is classified as a dead heart attack. The result is that in these months we have far fewer heart attack deaths, cancer, stroke etc., Like never before, and it is obvious that it is not Covid-19's merit but a mathematical trick aimed at validating the emergency.
Yet the data is there and takes us to slap: for every death of Covid-19 we had SIX of them due to flu. Rather, they declared the flu ended and attributed many deaths to Covid-19.
So what are we talking about? Why the lockdown was done?
If we look good, countries that had enough ICU beds simply did not essentially lockdown or 'soft' and are already returning to normal .
Just to make a comparison, Germany did not make a substantial lockdown because it had an intensive care bed (PTI ) every 2.500 people, Italy had one ICU bed every 12.500 people, namely 5 times less than Germaia, and therefore he had to lockdown .... or did it wrong?
Meanwhile, we note that in any case the deaths from Covid-19 are first of all deaths from medical malpractice , because there were no beds and above all the protections on the most affected area, seniors.
Then it must be said that with "only" 1 Billion Euros could solve the problem of sleeping accommodation very quickly, and by the time they got there, the peak had already passed, all the more so as it probably already existed in February.
Why in many countries has not been the lockdown and there are not even the dead?
The lockdown is the fruit of the insipidity of our government and governors, that instead of managing the health problem they masked their past years by creating an emergency that , as the dead demonstrate, there is not , and now we will probably go bankrupt after at least one damage 300 billions suffered by the economy.
It's all unreasonable, according to the merciless number : for every Covid-19 death there are normally SIX of the normal flu .
It's all unreasonable, Unless, as it is increasingly being highlighted and demonstrated, all this did not respond to a "program" that led straight to the implementation of the objectives of www.id2020.orgA . But I'll talk about this another time, and I really think we will talk more and more, as can be seen from the war on the responsibilities of the WHO, coincidentally always funded by the same "program". On the other hand, how do you force everyone to accept the marking for a digital identity if not through a compulsory vaccine?