1. few
    25 March 2009 @ 21:04

    The province of Avellino has only 439.444 inhabitants of 2.792 mq

    The province of Naples 3.078.939 its 1.171 mq

    For avellino strength it was not in the same situation in Naples, differentiated or not. Where the fuck do you dump pe 3 milioni di persone in un territorio già cementificato al 100%?

    Nelle grandi città inoltre è un “shade” more difficult to separate their. Just think that you can reach percentages of Lombardy 90% in provicnia, Milan you can not exceed 30%!!! So why Napoli (in context) It should make a difference (fermo restando che la responsabilità è dell’amministrazione che non sa organizzarla)?

    Tuttavia possiamo dire che la Campania su questo fronte già nel 2007 He was particularly well IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SOUTH: the total 4,6% differentiated, percentage higher than any other region of the south, all’epoca perfino al Lazio (4,4%).


  2. loris
    27 September 2008 @ 16:18

    Mr. IO, , If some company, we put 2 The 3, maybe 10, who run the garbage under the “control” the Italian State, They take the garbage and bring in africa, or in Neapolitan, It is the fault of the territory in which they operate ? o c’è la responsabilità dello stato che non controlla? Sometimes the state is even complicit! or is simply the fault of the 10 companies in question and not just the millions of honest companies working in the same territory? But it is the cone that are MILLIONS companies working honestly in “North” and she blames for all 1 The 2 gears companies. It puts us in as well the population who knows nothing and paying for disposal fees that are not paid elsewhere! But he does not realize that this way of thinking to take part (very small) for everything is wrong? Rather, I believe is motivated by wanting to support a racist argument and then hit all in the name of 10 . E’ what makes that famous writer falsaficatore and racist. And then you look at it from the writer parties say that he is a tell lies, but since it is protected from the left so now accuse the entire population to be conspiratorial …… and by force we would be racist sversatori who persecute SOUTH……I CA’ NISSUNO ‘E FESSO. You clean conscience before garbage badmouth.


  3. I
    25 September 2008 @ 23:28

    It's not about “some” company, but to “many” companies. Le ripeto di andare ad informarsi bene in merito alle inchieste nell’ambito dell’ecomafia.


  4. \
    24 September 2008 @ 23:06

    I have not accused “southerners” The ” Neapolitans” to be racist. I accused those who say that “it north” Sversa the garbage in the south, when in fact it is some company: questo fare di un filo d’erba un fascio è razzismo. Loris Palmerini


  5. I
    24 September 2008 @ 20:39

    Mr. Palmerini be ashamed! You offend a person who is risking his life for the things you wrote! Saviano not tell lies! What I wrote it is based on surveys, inchieste giudiziarie ed operazioni portate a termine dalla magistratura nell’ambito dell’ecomafia su cui lei farebbe bene ad andarsi ad informare invece di sputare sentenze senza nessuna base logica!
    Di una cosa però sono convinto e forse lei sarà d’accordo: Neapolitans are the first racist, just go and see what happened in Ponticelli ( Naples ) with Roma, or what happened a few days ago in the poor African immigrants in Castel Volturno ( Caserta ) killed by blows from a Kalashnikov by the Camorra.


  6. loris
    21 May 2008 @ 19:17

    You can make the names of these companies in the north that have spilled in the south ? O are the bales Saviano ?


    • franco
      12 September 2011 @ 08:35

      A quanto pare saviano è l’unico “honest Neapolitan” quando rappresenta Napoli agli occhi del mondo come una città di merda dove i camorristi sbucano fuori dai tombini, but it becomes a tell lies when esponne the many conspiracies that you, politicians foolish and your companies have with them: The usual duopesismo of northern. Now I am not surprised even more.


  7. giacomo
    9 May 2008 @ 22:50

    dear Northern, no one says anything to you for the ideas you have , your speeches seem to me a little too trivializing . do you separate you from one day to another? no I do not think so, We have to teach it to the people and especially to give him the means and make it work seriously. under the house for over a year they put the bins for paper and are to withdraw them once a week: in my building, and in the other I am always, always full and thank God this collection works. poi è colpa nostra se le caampane per la plastica e per il vetro sono cosi stracolme che non c’entra manco uno spillo? I do not believe. the taxes we pay ourselves, and more than you think.
    But you have to take it the same with the Neapolitans:
    1° because it is true that many of us are uncivilized,
    2° for inefficient politicians, rogues and shyster, E
    3° against all those who attack comfortably against the state rather than the names of those bastards who sold the skin of their fellow citizens for the money sversando the toxic waste of your companies.
    I will I take with them, because in the names they know if you seek, but it is more convenient to blame the state. Then dear Verona, I do not know if you feel Italian, I think so,me too, so this is also a shame your eyes of the world and not just our. But it is easy to feel Italian only when we like, maybe when half Italian football team comes from Naples,to make you a silly example, cmq not tell you how many other Neapolitans have made the good of this nation. Then you're free to think whatever you want, you want the free Padania, then even that will not be enough, Venetian Free, verona free, chievo Free…


  8. Antonio Iannaccone
    8 May 2008 @ 11:59

    I would say that there are no southern mafia killers nor Veronese, ma una parte della gioventù ‘italianache stà andando alla deriva per questioni politiche e sociali.

    a regional identitarism together with a greater mutual respect could be the solution.


  9. loris
    6 May 2008 @ 12:23

    Thank you for comment. Just a mafia Southern to say that all Southerners are mobsters? Obviously not.

    And just a Veronese murderess to say that all the Veronese and uncivilized fools?
    The racist indifference says yes.



  10. Marco
    6 May 2008 @ 11:27

    congratulations for the civilized Verona.
    se non ci foste voi a tenere alto l’onore di questo paese


  11. Antonio Iannaccone
    4 May 2008 @ 14:52

    Dall’anno scorso ricordo che su you tube è girato anche qualche video sulle manifestazioni che i napoletani hanno fatto per l’immondizia; something of what you say has been done, as well as the demonstrations in the streets and even the taking of the Palace St. James himself who is the town hall and have even hung on the balcony in front of the homonym Plaza, a banner with the inscription:’La vera monnezza stà quì dentro’. But neither a national newspaper, nor a TV or other has made public what. why? You should not propagate a Neapolitan awakening?
    The media plug mouth, filtering what you do not want people to know.

    The demonstrations are active not only at landfills(chissà perchè fanno vedere solo quello) and they are organized mostly by conscientious of the Two Sicilies. Hopefully one day we can shout louder.


  12. loris
    4 May 2008 @ 13:58

    We do not confuse the provocation with racism.

    But we can say that the Neapolitans silently accept and to live without rebelling submerged in rubbish. Why not show ?

    And bring in the garbage mass before the house of Bassolino and responsible ?


  13. Antonio Iannaccone
    3 May 2008 @ 22:36

    Non c’è dubbio che la De Simone ha ragione da vendere, since it does not receive the deserved reward for what he has done for Avellino, but consider the citizens of Naples of zozzone now that is racism and ignorance, because analyzing the thing(so we do it as easy as in elementary school), is not that the town of Avellino were cleaning wizards(no offense), ma è stata l’amministrazione con a capo la De Simone ad essere brava ad ottenere dei buoni risultati.
    Now if we omit Bassolino, It should be put to the wall with no ifs and buts, non credo proprio che l’amministrazione napoletana abbia fatto almeno la decima parte del lavoro svolto dalla De Simone: how could he work the Neapolitan people without any of the proper authorities to organize a shred of differentiated, but only careful to do the business of the Camorra?
    But who has the power to do something, is Naples?


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