Those Jews deported from Istria in the name of the Italian race
I recounted in my book “The Republic unborn” the facts Italian concentration camps in Slovenia and Istria.
At first they were confined and then also deported many Jews, together with Veneto and the Istrian not feeling Italians were classified as “aliens Venezia Giulia”.
Quelli italiani in queste aree sono stati campi di concentramento ancora più disumani di quelli tedeschi, if possible, perché non erano nemmeno dotati delle più elementari strutture. They were simple farm fields where people were left with a few tents and often subjected sadistic bullying.
Well documented the camp of Rab (island now called Rab ) dove 10.564 People were interned of which 1027 Jews. Even among the Jews there were many children (287), demonstrating that the purpose of the camp was the extermination and deportation and not public safety.
For Rab prisoners were in tents marches, no shelter from the cold, frustati, full of lice and bedbugs..
Allora dobbiamo ricordarci anche di quelli che furono perseguitati perché diversi nella Venezia orientale, and they were citizens of the United Italian.
E’ said false “Italians good people”, at least regarding the Italian state and fascism.
Oggi è importante ricordare, ma anche chiedersi perché nessuno è mai stato condannato falsificando la memoria.
Here is a transmission of the History Channel which confirms all what I say
16 December 2008 @ 17:46
“Also many Jews, together with Veneto and the Istrian not feeling Italians were classified as "aliens of Venezia Giulia”…Venetians and Istrians who did not feel Italian ?? Mmmhh Palmerini I find it difficult to write that they were “communists” and whereby for the aberrant fascist logic they were to rot in a concentration camp? Cmq mostly together Jews were deported Slovenes and Croats should remember…