At this point the Neapolitan mayors are arrested
The garbage emergency in the Neapolitan requires emergency and heavy measures.
Only a fool can incompetent’ believe that the garbage can remain there others 10 days in this heat : you risk cholera, various epidemics, or dioxins if they keep the fires.
The justification that there is no place for disposal cannot justify the non -action of the mayors who are obliged by law.
According to “Consolidated Law on’ Sorting of Local Authorities” “D.Lgs. 18-8-2000 n. 267 “, all'Art.50 say add
“5. in particular, in case of health emergencies or public health to only the Local contingibili and urgent ordinances are adopted by the mayor, as a representative of the local community. “
The auditors can and should seize land in their common, accumulating rubbish and cover it with earth or burnt lime.
Nothing can be expected and nobody, goes public health.
If they do not operate, It must arrest for attempted murder, commissariare the common and provide a replacement. If the mayors, the prefect, if the prefect President of the Region, if not the President of the Region, Commissioner of the State, and otherwise the government directly, or the Minister of Health.
If no one provides it demonstrates the non-existence of the state or rather the Government of the mafia that this zozzeria gains against the Neapolitans, and not only.
Tyr ama Quayag
6 November 2010 @ 19:16
Bourbon State??? Are you quite shamelessly you Po.
1 June 2007 @ 07:41
The waste emergency in Campania is now symptomatic and therefore it cannot be seen as an emergency.
It is not a temporary problem or the season but it is a cancer that lurks just in those populations.
I'm sick of hearing that it is the state's fault or the Camorra.
Since those parts everything is mafia and people is part of the system.
The truth is that their DNA is “sly” That is, when it is comfortable they use the usual cuns to their advantage and when they are in Dificolt they invoke the state.
The cunning type of tax evasion, trash, fake degrees, reckless driving, Do not use the helmet, Drinking the laws is considered to be normal, indeed it is a congenital quality of which they boast like the Neapolitan song or the pizza.
Then when they beat the dead for various reasons such doctors exchanging a meniscus with a kidney, or children who are killed because they go around with minibikes or because abusive constructed buildings and projects by engineers who graduated buying the title, then they invoke the intervention of the state.
Of course it was the call for a partial refund money, they care only that, and the state on his part intervenes by sending avalanches of money without checking the actual destination.
So what sense does it continue to be members of these characters?
the Italian State (Bourbon) It does not represent us and it is quite clear that we want a quick steering and decided by the Veneti, otherwise how many years we will have to keep these people that they strafrega of the main rights and duties?
How can both be partners with people like Bassolino, Jervolino?
E’ it possible that no judge has yet intervened to arrest these two characters? Never happens, the Neapolitan judges they never will.
I leave a brief reflection from a letter a few years ago…meditate.
At the Count of Cavour, on the South of Italy
Roma, 20 July 1858.
From the Duke of Gramont Salmour to Count Camillo Benso di Cavour.
“After all, be sure that if you are not at war with the other states of southern Italy, you will never be friends and even sincere allies. And this is not at all because of the radical difference of manners, font, of mentality , of customs,of everything: in a word. This difference, all for your benefit, It is certainly one of the most important that exist in Europe, and Race is the Roman States that Naples is farther from the Piemontese kind of what you're from Swedish, from English and even from Lappia. Let us call a spade a spade: There is no human breed more uncomfortable in morality, more miserable, most depraved of this. E’ literally unable to good anything except to lie on herself and use its remarkable natural intellect to mask the reality of its character. Nothing could happen more ominous to Piedmont, which open to the Italians of the South (South) the doors of the Parliament and its Administration, with them with them would inevitably enter the Venality , cowardice, the imposture and the concussion. All that is inherent in the blood of all classes is the cause of all evil. No one keeps the law, whatever it is: harsh or lenient. The despotism is the rule for the government tutti.Non accusatene, it would be unfair, It might not do otherwise without contravening the customs. On the other hand, he does not obey him and does not obey, and then those who govern have the same blood of the governed, and they all understand. Some opponents say that another breed is out of Rome in the Legations. There I first believed, but I am deeply changed his mind. They are just as vile, incapable, a bit’ most corrupt, here tutto.Questa race, Remember what I tell you, The scourge of Italy and anyone who dreams of the Italian provinces a national future must take care of these servile Athenians for the north of the Italian provinces, missed artists, talkative lawyers, Newsies Coffee, peppered bread soldiers who do not deserve to be compared to brave Piedmontese. Stop wasting time to take care of them, trust me, they have gangrene that propagates. Only time, with industry, will be able to change this bastard nature and drag them to the following of other peoples, perhaps the result of Piedmont, And then their government that is flesh of their flesh and blood of their bones mutters with them. The more I look the more I have certo.Ma I said enough of this people: I despise”.
(Correspondence from Cavour-Salmour, by the Royal Commission of publishing Correspondence Cavour, Zanichelli Editore, Bologna, 1936- ).