For the reform of justice, here are the mechanisms of the Venetian Republic
These days once again we are talking about the reform of the Italian justice system. E’ the third or fourth attempt in the last 60 years, all failed. A mio avviso pensare di riformare la giustizia italiana è un “therapeutic persistence” su di un organismo del tutto debilitato e già morto che si chiama Stato Italiano. The causes of his illness are genetic, they are born with Italy itself. Rather, Del Boca in “Damn Savoia” he tells us that the Italian bribe was born even before Italy itself, there was for the order of the tricolor flag that the Piedmontese adopted to invade Lombardy in disguise ( the Lombards hated them ): bandiere di scarsissima qualità vennero a costare uno sproposito. In short, a story entirely similar to that of “gold sheets” of the FS in the 1980s , which cost like silk but were plastic.
Until now this bandwagon of scammers, il sistema italiano appunto, è sopravvissuto a sé stesso grazie alle guerre che nascondevano scandali come quello della “National Bank” e allo sfruttamento delle risorse dei popoli come grazie alla creazione di un enorme debito pubblico che distrugge il futuro delle generazioni sempre più sostituiti da immigrati a basso costo.
La soluzione per noi è il ritorno agli stati nazionali pre-unitari, and subject to the consent of the peoples,united states in the European Union. D’altra parte oggi non ha più alcun senso pratico un governo a Roma, the new capital, perché appena consacrata in Costituzione dalla Lega, con il Trattato di Lisbona è ormai solamente una passacarte della volontà di Bruxelles, ossia del dominio germanico dell’economia. Insomma Roma oggi non decide nulla se non come distribuire i soldi all’interno dell’Italia, which has always hurt a lot, and otherwise it carries out the Brussels directives. Insomma Roma oggi è solo un amministratore periferico, tanto che più di abolire le province sarebbe meglio occuparsi di abolire il governo di Roma, and give Brussels the money that the governments of Rome do not spend well, as seen from the garbage of Naples.
Allora discutere di giustizia in questo scenario di fine del regime può sembrare inutile, ma invece serve proprio in prospettiva della ricostruzione degli stati pre-unitari, operation that for the Venetian state we of the State of the Venetie – Self-government of the Venetian people we have been doing since 1999 despite various infiltrators, beatings of the carabinieri, various complaints, seasoned with ignorant detractors whose mothers all peoples have pregnant (non particolarmente i veneti però).
We all have to look at the historical experiences of success in the government of justice, e fra di esse ancora oggi la più lunga e la più lodevole esperienza mai riuscita all’umanità è certamente quella della Repubblica Veneta, which for over half a millennium ( that is from about 1200 Al 1700 ) ha saputo essere la patria della giustizia e della libertà.
We Venetians have been this state of justice, lo eravamo ancora quando un potere militare finanziato da speculatori internazionali e guidato da Napoleone venne a casa nostra minacciandoci, naturalmente affermando che però ci portava l’uguaglianza, la libertà e la fratellanza, but delivering mass rape instead, massacres, terror and mass executions, all things never seen before. It seems to see the contemporary, perché in questi giorni i rapporti militari degli USA pubblicati da Wikileaks fa emergere una tale prospettiva riguardo alla guerra in IRAQ: in realtà non c’è mai stato tanto terrorismo e violazione di diritti umani in IRAQ come adesso dopo che gli USA hanno “imported” democracy, e così ci descrive il tutto un documentario di Current TV .
in conclusion, that supreme experience of justice that was the Venetian Republic (in which even the son of Doge Foscari was forced into exile) terminò a causa del terrore che portò la rivoluzione francese, la quale ci invase e ci depredò, e ci cacciò in una notte non ancora terminata condita di guerre, emigrations, fiscal exploitation, injustice, violation of human and linguistic rights and total “The abolition of memory” of ourselves.
Ma siamo già rinati, like the thousands of people who read my blog, once again inspiring us to values that are universal and perennial, come appunto quelli di giustizia e libertà impersonificati nel suo tempo dalla Repubblica Veneta.
Ma non si sia così cechi da confondere il diritto del popolo a scegliere i propri governanti (elections), with the people's right to have justice guaranteed (even against the abuses of the powerful) e la libertà concreta. These are completely disconnected things, tant’è che nella Repubblica Veneta, even in the absence of elections (if not the ratification of the election of the Doge chosen by others) il popolo aveva garantiti come mai nella storia del mondo sia la giustizia concreta sia le libertà civili, compresa la libertà di non essere molestati per le proprie opinioni, now reduced to the glimmer.
In short, the parliament in the Venetian Republic (most council) it was not the expression of the people, or a vote of the people. Era invece la casta di nobili che durante il XIII secolo si erano chiusi in un regime (the so-called “serrata”), which, however, precisely because of this fact was forced to look after the interests of the people with the utmost commitment in order not to risk an uprising in the name of the principles of freedom. Si raggiunse così un compromesso che ancora oggi credo il popolo accetterebbe volentieri come ha sempre sopportato la corruzione fintanto che l’economia tirava e il miglioramento concreto sussisteva. Practically, as it was fine and things worked out for everyone, there were never any revolutions, Rather, le città si donavano alla repubblica per ottenerne i servigi. And likewise today, given that the economy is bad, discontent grows and the government loses consensus.
The Venetian patriciate was able to skillfully manage every transaction, sopratutto facendo gestire le cose ai più competenti, and restraining individual cravings for power, the corruption, the laxity, inefficiency.
It seems impossible, yet it was the Venetian republic that was the first to create public housing, the removal of waste. to create trade unions, to establish pensions also for the injured at work, a garantire la sicurezza da alluvioni e scarsità di cibo, a dare possibilità concrete di formazione ai meritevoli…. for this it became the “Hinge of Europe” For centuries, come è il titolo di un libro di 40 American professors.
But how did he accomplish all this? Io posso cercare di sintetizzare quanto ho capito leggendo i maggiori fra gli autori di storia della repubblica veneta. In particular the Maranini, un costituzionalista italiano di inizio ‘900 che ha descritto con sapienza e con il sostegno degli autori precedenti i principali meccanismi del sistema costituzionale veneto.
Caution, there wasn't one “constitution” as we think today, ma vi erano dei principi sacri che erano codificati in codici, sorted, maintained, transcribed, and continuously repeated at government assemblies.
Questa è una curiosità, ma è bene sapere che ogni mese si dedicava una seduta intera del maggior consiglio (the parliament ) to re-read the fundamental constitutional principles of the organization of power. Which in the end were very simple and derived from combining practice with determination a “to do well”.
So I try to enunciate them with incredible speed:
1) nella gestione degli affari pubblici non doveva esserci l’interesse privato alla questione.
Anyone who had an interest in the issue had to leave the voting forum, and often with him also all his relatives and those who were linked to him by economic interests. Of course, before letting them out, they gave them the opportunity to discuss the subject, in order to make use of the experience of those who were familiar with the subject in a particular way. But they absolutely could not vote.
2) the magistrates participated directly in the political management, especially for the matters that concerned them
In addition to the Parliament, there was the judiciary of the Forty, magistrati di carriera che però venivano eletti dal parlamento e rinnovati ogni anno. They were involved in drafting all the bills not only on justice, but also on taxation and money. Obviously, the bill was then to be discussed by the government, nel quale però 3 of them (I 3 leaders of the Quarantia) they sat with the power to vote and to replace absent ministers. The government approved the bill with at least 6 votes if they were 9 the presents (6 councilors + 3 leaders of the Quarantia). Once the design is approved by the government, it had to be approved by the Major Council, which was also formed by 1000 membership (quindi è falso il problema della numerosità del parlamento italiano che però guadagnano follie). Only then did the law become operational e “published”.
3) the Doge's Counselors (today called Ministers) they had to act for the good of the republic, and strictly adhere to the indications that came from the restricted parliamentary committees of a technical nature that gave them directives. Avevano per giuramento l’obbligo di vigilare il Doge affinché non tentasse di accentrare il potere nelle proprie mani, tant’è che per legge questi era obbligato a riceverli in qualunque momento un consigliere lo decidesse. Mail the Doge could receive heads of state or mediators without the presence of at least 2 councilors.
4) Those who refused public office (cui spesso erano associati costi e oneri più che vantaggi) he was disbarred from any public function, and special fines were foreseen.
5) negli impieghi più importanti, at the end of the mandate a special survey of the work carried out was carried out, and the abuses had to be compensated, in the case also by the heirs. Al Dog, since he remained in office for life, was reserved the “trial of the dead Doge”, con il quale si sospendeva perfino la trasmissione dei beni agli eredi fino a quando non fosse stato accertato che non aveva arricchito sé o i parenti .
These few rules would be enough to settle the Italian republic, ma a parte il fatto che questo è impossibile perché questi governanti sono di altra specie e non lo faranno mai, the restored republic would be bad for everyone, it would leave the Italians suffering from hardship for about 1 century due to public debt. Better for everyone a nice crack, especially for young people.
Said this, voglio soltanto concludere con una piccola nota riguardo a quello che è successo l’anno scorso nelle istituzioni di Autogoverno del Popolo Veneto, just to say that the principles of the Venetian republic are distant even in the minds of many Venetians.
in 2009, at the change of the president of the government, io che ero il più alto magistrato e partecipavo al governo fin dalla fondazione, I asked for the verification of the accounts, in which there should have been a lot of money that wasn't there. The government had in fact control of the national fund. From that moment on I received a personal attack from the former president himself, and suddenly it began to spur that I was an infiltrator, I who invented and founded self-government and exposed myself to the point of taking complaints for subversion, beatings by the Carabinieri and renounced mountains of money.
However, I quietly continued to do my job by continuing to ask for an audit. But I never received the supporting documents for the shortages. At a certain point, by chance (in my opinion instead provoked) I came to discover that the new head of the government was also using the institutions for his own profit, but to cover certain tax trades that he did with a tax haven together with the foreign minister! Then I communicated the fact to the chairman of the Assembly and asked him and other members to convene the assembly in accordance with the Statute, which was set for 29 August.
Now discovered in the games the head of the government and his ministers, a few days before the Assembly meeting they attempted a coup, declaring to invalidate my judiciary (which was not admitted by statute), e autodichiarando il capo del Governo anche a capo dell’Assemblea (let's imagine if Berlusconi would substitute himself for Fini !) in order to prevent the Assembly itself from voting, ed infine convocandone una parallela per il giorno dopo a quella autoconvocata. The statute clearly prohibits this accumulation of offices, ed inoltre l’assemble non può essere sciolta o annullata dal capo del governo.
THE 29 the Assembly met in July, in the face of the overwhelming evidence I brought to the attention of the members, questa decise senza indugi di sciogliere il governo e radiare a vita tutti i ministri, pur lasciando loro l’opportunità di ricorrere. I then resigned on the date I announced 2 months before, and the Assembly elected me head of the government.
Insomma da questo punto di vista le Istituzioni di Autogoverno hanno purtroppo già espresso il peggio che si poteva, né più ne meno di quello che è lo Stato italiano, seasoned also with the attempted destruction of the image of honest patriots. But nevertheless the few safeguard mechanisms that we have put in the statute are inspired by the Venetian tradition, have proven to work, and they are some of the same inspirers of the Venetian Republic. Tuttavia la Repubblica Veneta non è più possibile tal quale era, international treaties today require people's elections. But nevertheless I believe that when constitutional mechanisms are written that guarantee the public interest, la legalità e la competenza tecnica, these also prevail in concrete government even if a demagogue comes to power. If Berlusconi had been bound by the mechanisms that bound the Doge, it could not have done that good, or nothing
Non è un problema dunque l’elezione di popolo, but how can power be prevented from doing anything other than the public interest.
My little story attests that those mechanisms are still valid, but the bitterness remains in the story, mine first, that precisely in the reconstitution of the Venetian state represented by the self-government of the Veneto-State of the Veneto people, si sia di fatto realizzata la più grande negazione dei principi veneti della Serenissima, negati al massimo grado proprio da coloro che si professano veneti e che in realtà possono essere solo di pure stirpe italiana moderna.
Now time is bringing out the truth, e le prove di ancora più gravi ruberie nel primo governo. E si è pure affacciata l’ipotesi che sia stato lo stesso stato italiano, with their own agents disguised as alleged ex-cops, has to try to take control of self-government, per ridurre di nuovo il popolo veneto sotto un governo fantoccio come quello che creò nel 1866.
Whoever did it, they failed, perché ancora una volta hanno vinto i principi costituzionali del popolo veneto.
Returning to the problem of justice, as a last consideration, it should be noted that in the Venetian republic there was no clear separation between government, parliament, judiciary and administration or “state”. The modern constitutional theory, since the French Revolution, argues that there must be the “division of powers”. And instead anyone who is interested in public affairs knows that in fact the boundary between the Legislative, Esecutivo e Giudiziario è spesso inesistente se non molto labile. Just think of the Italian CSM, per lo più fatto di politici.
Well, ormai è chiaro che la “division of powers” modernamente intesa non è una soluzione, on the contrary, it generates monsters such as the conflict of attribution and the war between castes. Maranini himself, who was an Italian constitutionalist, albeit at the time of the Albertine Statute, points out that the problem of the division of powers exists when you start off on the wrong foot, but such a problem did not exist and could not exist in that “wonderful plant” which was the constitution of Venice.
Anche in questo per noi veneti la Rivoluzione Francese è stato solamente un arretramento di molti secoli.
17 August 2011 @ 16:48
Since I don't know how to send him a useful message I would like someone to let him know the following. If he brings in a food truck , stealthily, all detractors would rush to see and mock him. But the truck with the word LIVE on the outside, FOOD, then he opens the doors wide to reveal a different kind of content inside, maybe puppets of politicians… This would give him the notoriety he lacks for SHOWER in parliament as the first blow of the broom!
Pier 17-8-11
26 July 2011 @ 17:14
I think I know that Gilberto, poorly informed given the age . But it's not bad that you want to know things that require long, holiday-friendly reads. The republic of Ve when there was a criminal the Council of X was efficient. The 1st day was reported, on the 2nd they arrested him, on the 3rd they made him confess, on the 4th they carried out the sentence. This is why it lasted > 1000 years. Today it just is 150 years since Unity and we are already broken in every way.
Gilberto Gasparini
13 December 2010 @ 13:32
I can only agree on the various points and above all on the final judgment on the French Revolution (also shared by many French). Thanks for the exhaustive information provided.
21 March 2011 @ 12:44
12 December 2010 @ 06:48
Undoubtedly make a commendable, passionate and hard work , for which you should be grateful. I personally think , indeed not just me, than to identify and list the reasons for so much Italian socio-political and ethical instability, is an ineffective exercise; many take it for granted that new blunders are heard EVERY day…. and the measure never seems full. This chronic indifference (in the mountains it is sold out because woe to touch the holiday !) of our people for the great national problems, it is not new. Even before the Unification of Italy (I would like to write it with a lowercase) the contrasting and dichotomous behaviors of our people, they were just LIKE now: it seems he DOESN'T really KNOW what he wants, except, of course, to be taxed and take advantage of the comforts ! I am very sorry that you spend your time in these decadent expressions and not be able to see a NEW COURSE of things that makes us feel a little legitimate satisfaction.