the Child Care Act in Veneto Region does not cover the Venetian children, but all residents Children
Press release: the Child Care Act in Veneto Region does not cover the Venetian children, but all residents Children.
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights 0
I read of an important ruling “l’Unione, from the point of view of international law, HE CAN NOT, by its very nature, It is treated as a State” E’ state “repeatedly stated by the Court” that ” i Trattati fondativi dell’Unione hanno dato vita, unlike ordinary international treaties, to a new legal order, with its own institutions, in favor […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Justice, Lombardo-Veneto, staff, Venetie 0
As legal representative of Veneta and Aggregation as an individual day 6 In April, I presented to the Constitutional Court the opposition to the Government's appeal asking to cancel the entire regional law 28 of the 2016, one that recognizes the Venetian people (from Bergamo to Istria) rights of “national minority”. Given the issue at hand, Practically […]
Estero, Policy dijsselbloem, Germany, Information 0
Remember the phrase 'South spends money on alcohol and women' attributed to the president of the Eurogroup, l'Olandese Jeroen Dijsselbloem? Never pronounced! E’ false, a hoax, put about by a Spanish newspaper. At least so he claimed, l'Olandese Jeroen Dijsselbloem. E’ went like this: […]
In this blog do not argue about philosophy, science and religion, ma chi mi conosce sa che quando ne ho l’occasione lo faccio volentieri, and recently I had a conversation stirred me the fundamentals of my thought , now developed many years ago. Quando ero studente all’università (anocra who have not completed!!) It is considered almost like a biology not science, […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Human rights, Policy, TV and surroundings, Venetie 0
The Mayor of Bagnoli di Sopra (PD), Roberto Milan, Municipality in which the reception center is present, often in the news, THE 29 March '17 announced on TV 7 the issuing of a municipal resolution with which the Prefect will be asked to respect the rights of the Venetian national minority of the Bagnoli community . […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, Justice, Lombardo-Veneto, Policy, History, Venetie 0
In a period comprised between the 6 months and one year history of Veneto and Northeast (the Venezie) will take a new turn which in the medium term will see the political scenario irreversibly disrupted e, as a consequence, the history of the whole of Italy. This will be done by the Italian State which, through the Constitutional Court, will have to decide whether […]
Current events and history of the Veneto people, History, Venetie 0
In 1100 anni di storia la Repubblica di Venezia ha ovviamente visto molti cambiamenti anche sul piano della simbologia adottata. But results from different sources that he has never taken steps to formalize a state flag. C’era il Leone in Moeca come simbolo dello Stato, and that was enough. Much confusion reigns today among