It is not a left -wing government, but clowns of private banks who defraud the taxman
In the meantime, I recommend everyone to request that TFR remain with companies, that is to the INPS, because you can always change the destination later. In terms of freedom it would be a serious mistake to confer the severance pay today to a private fund , because you can no longer withdraw it until pension. Not so for the TFR left in the company: think again when you want or withdraw it as soon as you quit. But the title is on something else.
I received an email in which it is said that Adusbef denounced certain banks for having escaped the tax authorities. Practically, just before making big profits on the Italian stock exchange, these banks sold the shares to residents of England, where the taxman is much lighter. Having sold the shares, sales tax was paid in England, avoiding payment to the Italian tax authorities because the principle applies that taxes are paid 1 only once .
Doing so they would have “saved” 600 million euro, equivalent to 300 gyms for schools, Or 20 large hospitals.
But it is known that those who pay taxes are only employees and entrepreneurs with less than 100.000 euros of income. Big companies, banks, insurance, and even drug dealers, prostitutes and irregular immigrants are all exempted, while taking advantage of the services.
For the adusbef, This tips of banks is a tax evasion, because the sale of actions to foreign subjects took place near the collection, so it's about escapism. Or at the least circumvention.
But here is the principle of “competition between governments” which is one of the few advantages brought by the European Union.
E’ the principle that you, European citizen or business, pay where you are a resident, that is where it suits you, and you can be a resident wherever you want (right of residence or “establishment”). That's why in a few years Ireland has become one of the most flourishing economies of the EU: few taxes and many resident companies operating abroad.
To be honest, I don't mind this principle, Because in a united Europe every one is free to be resident where he wants and therefore paying taxes there, that is where it suits him. Perhaps this is why Tronchetti wants to transfer the residence to England ?
But this principle is fine to me if everyone can do it.
Now, I bet they won't do anything to these banks, And so it will be sanctioned that these “tricks” they are legal. At least, after the silent assent of the state on this issue, It will be public that everything can do everything.
I have been saying for years that these mechanisms will bring the Italian state into bankruptcy due to the lack of significant taxpayers. Wait only a few years that Venetian companies realize how easy and convenient it is to open a company in Istria, and continue to operate in Italy, However, paying according to the Slovenian tax authorities (25%).
in few years, This escape of taxable subjects will only remain the “Italian” low income to pay the exorbitant taxes of a parasitic state. The companies will all residence abroad as their right is. And therefore bankruptcy is certain in a few years, something else sure also for various other reasons.
To demonstrate that all this will happen for sure, it looks like the government, instead of sanctioning the fact, even rewarded these banks with various contracts and advice.
Adusbef believes that Prodi's government, Visco and Schioppa, With Draghi's help (Private Bank of Italy) , are too interested in protecting the interests of these banks, given that many of them are all former employees of the same American private banks, already implicated in large financial scandals.
But that shouldn't be surprising at all, Because it is well known that the same unity of Italy was financed by foreign banks, particularly British, And with the unit they empty the coffers of the national banks of the pre-unit states including that of 2 Sicilie, very rich in gold, and the Venetian one, that before Napoleon was the richest state in Europe (and immediately afterwards France was).
If only now you realize that Italy is not a nation but one “Private property” of bankers, it would be a little’ late.
And if you have now understood that Italy is intended for bankruptcy for the simple fact of being in Europe, Welcome to Independentism that looks to the future.
If you still think of Italy outside Europe, without the Euro, the Argentina catastrophe would be in a few months.
Anyway, Welcome to reality: you are not just indebted, seven “property” bank.
Adusbef press release
Various other information = 5966&idlista=4140
10 June 2007 @ 15:26
I am very agreed on the TFR, But as for the rest there is a lot of smoke around sent around by politics and the media.
To clarify your ideas, I recommend you read something about “seigniorage ” banking and David Icke, especially what it says about the New World Order, There are 2 video online in italiano, For the moment.
Italy does not fail because “we are in Europe” fail like other countries because it is necessary to create a supranational state, global with centralized government. If a bank pays taxes abroad it is because the general tests have begun.