Much scientific research demonstrates the medical nonsense of the Green Pass
The idea behind the Green Pass to Draghi is that the vaccinated person does not transmit the virus and for this reason it can non undergo swabs.
Unfortunately, according to many scientific studies, the truth is another, The scientific truth is that vaccinated can also infect and transmit the disease.
But how contagious the vaccinated are ?
At the same conclusions it arrived David O’Connor, Virologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, according to which the Delta variant “buca” vaccines and spread among people vaccinated more than other variants and said that “people [vaccinate] that they have infections can have truly high levels of delta viruses and can unconsciously spread it to others”.
THE 12 August Nature has published a research that has collected many studies from the USA, Singapore, United Kingdom etc., And everyone came to the conclusion that Vaccinati are diffusion vectors And they could even encourage virus mutation.
An explanation could come From the studies that have shown that these vaccines disturb the immune system up to disable the DNA repair mechanism, it is plausible that they could also mitigate the ability to resist infections.
According to other searches, vaccinated are contagious less than not vaccinated, But in the moment of peak of the infection they are contagious as the unvaccinated .
Further scientific research published on the 29 October 2021 On The Lancet Infectious Diseases has verified with repeated and frequent samples that vaccinated people can contract and transmit the delta variant of the infection also within families, and also infect the non -vaccinated. Not only, Vaccinati have the same probability of spreading the delta variant of the unvaccinated subjects. The title of the study is “Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study” .
The fact is that these vaccines are “imperfect” Not only because they were designed on the Alfa and Beta variant, now disappeared, But because they do not prevent the transmission also among the vaccinated as the other variants of the virus , At this moment the delta but there are also Lamba and many others.
Are approximately 20 years that modern virology has had a cultural split. The new current is called “dynamic virology” It has taken note that the vaccines that do not prevent the transmission of the pathogen are vaccines “imperfect”, and since they make a “selective pressure” On the pathogens they end up making their selection and the spread of the variants that escape the vaccine.
Be careful not to confuse this with the hoaxes called by certain politicians, the vaccine does not “crea” the variants, The imperfect vaccine affects only a few variations and does not prevent the transmission of survivors, but in doing so it directly favors the variants that escape him, because they leave the field free to them.
The imperfect vaccine in practice realizes the same selection and enhancement mechanism that we have seen with the abuse of antibiotics and which led to super bacteria, to the uselessness of many antibiotics, and to the many hospital deaths from resistant antibiotic infections.
We are facing the eyes that the dynamic virologists and vaccines are right ( also innovative) They do not stop the epidemic at all but if anything you simply change it in something else ?
in conclusion, For the moment these imperfect vaccines escaped the Delta variant, which despite being much more contagious than the previous ones, however, seems to be less lethal, But it is not said that even the next variant that will escape these mass vaccinations with imperfect vaccines is weaker, it could be even worse.
And unfortunately in fact they are already recording cases of infections in totally vaccinated populations. In fact, the 100% of vaccinated is not scientifically possible due to “non responder”.
What to do then ? Certainly it is necessary to free the tied hands of the doctors forced to the “Watchful waiting” that in practice it leads them to do nothing so far that people die of symptoms such as the trombes that are curable, The true denial of the medical profession.
The treatments are there, tens of thousands of lives were saved with Home care by thousands of doctors who have disobeyed the criminal order of hope. When hope will be arrested ?
When this government Pd+Forza Italia+Lega+M5S+IV+Leu will listen to these doctors, stopping listening to the usual lows, Galli and Pregliasco who have led in the wrong direction so far ?
What is certain is that the Green Pass has no medical and scientific foundations, so it is unconstitutional despite the constitutional court of it is formally correct: it is not in essence. Certainly the green pass does not fight the epidemic because it induces the vaccinated to turn freely, And instead they are infectious people too.
In reality, green pass is favoring the epidemic consciously, because it authorizes people potentially infected to turn freely.
E’ only sure that the green pass prevents the exercise of constitutional freedoms to those who do not turn to the inoculation of these imperfect vaccines.
Then because the government insists ? The fact is that the Green Pass actually establishes a new identity registration certificate in accordance with the new world order and the agenda of the world elite.