1. paron
    18 May 2015 @ 16:51

    Dear Beppus, This is simply not possible , the system can now even contarti hairs in the most hidden places. L’unica è fare il RESET del sistema con il ritorno agli stati preunitari


  2. Rodolfo Stevanato
    8 July 2014 @ 14:28

    Indeed we live in a dictatorship, where the tyrant is not a single person but various power groups (politicians, labor unions, bureaucrats, high finance, judiciary, lawyers, banks, etc.) who do not want to lose their privileges and suck the blood of the people.
    It needs a revolution, possibilmente bloodless;, but he would take a strong man, Charismatic and incorruptible, a new Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus.
    Purtroppo non è pensabile un intervento dei militari perché troppo legati all’attuale regime.
    example (raccontatomi from a friend policeman): when a colonel was about to retire it is increased grade in general and after 2 days retire with much higher fees, at the expense of us all.
    One was modern and efficient should: weigh little on the People's pockets, lasciare ai privati la massima libertà ma vigilare severamente su abusi, scams, waste and corruption, keep bureaucracy to a minimum, protect the weak and the sick, reject illegal immigrants.


  3. Beppus
    3 July 2014 @ 16:38

    C’è una sola soluzione a questo stato di cose: stop paying taxes, all together! Io un’ideina su come fare ce l’avrei pure….


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