The wild idea of independence through the regional body
in 2006 The Sardinia Region attempted one “constituent of the Sardinian people”, and about in that period the then president of the Lombardy Region swore loyalty to “Lombard people”. Still the Veneto Regional Council in 2012 He conferred to the representatives of the Council and I recommend the mandate to act internationally to create a referendum for independence, while in 2013 Maroni, candidate for the presidency of the Lombardy Region, proposed the “self-determination” of the Lombardy Region, together with other regions of “North”. All these things have proved to be or they will prove to be, unconstitutional, i.e. illegal.
Further back in time, A first attempt was undertaken in 1998 by the Council of the Veneto Region which with the resolution 42 of that year claimed to represent the “people Venetian” and asked the Italian Parliament to issue a rule that would allow the Veneto people to carry out a referendum for independence. It's been 15 years and of course the Italian Parliament has not granted anything, Rather, Not only did he not give autonomy but raised taxes, and did not recognize the Venetian language ….. Imagine if it will never recognize independence. The resolution of the 2012 it is substantially identical, but with the further mistake of delegating the regional leaders to a role outside the statute. The attempt of the Veneto Region of 1998 It was useless because he made the basic error of confusing his representativeness, which is that of residents in the region, with the representativeness of the Venetian people who have a completely different story, legal status and rights .
It must be said that this attempt