The wild idea of independence through the regional body
Who is so determined to minimize these elements, or it's a stupid one (therefore unsuitable for the liberation and could lead to war path), or it is in bad faith and is pursuing a path that does not serve to reach independence, but in addition to cheating people, If anything, you need to divert attention from possible paths, and allows one day the state of scare everyone with commissioners and other.
The counselors that may lend itself to a resolution calling for regional referendum will risk not only politics shame ( E
then election), but also the loss of revenue, It is demonstrated by the Constitutional Court and the sentence 365/2007 which expressly
stated that a region (in that case Sardinia) cannot represent a people. For each regional resolution on the theme it will simply be nothing, also internationally.
On the other hand, it is excluded that the UN can recognize a new Veneto or Lombard or Friulian state. In fact, in the UN France's Security Council, England and the US veto, and have contrary interests, and moreover France and England are obliged by the Helsinky Treaty to guarantee territorial integrity. So the UN will be blocked and will not be able to recognize in any case referendum of Veneti or Lombardi etc..