The wild idea of independence through the regional body
Given the nature of things, and law, We can speak of self -government of a state, of self-government of a people, self-determination of a people, But we cannot speak of self -determination of a region, It is like saying that a stone has its own personality !
The case of Kosovo clarifies everything. the region (moreover already highly autonomous) he proclaimed independence after a referendum. It was also recognized by Italy. Russia took inspiration from a legal precedent for coming to the aid of some Russian minorities in Georgia so that the region could self-determination, that break away. The International Court on the appeal of Serbia, however, has promptly established that an autonomous representation of a people must self -determination must be self -determined. namely, The representatives of an administrative body of a state from which we detach ourselves must not be declared the sovereignty, But those who declare sovereignty and self -determination must act with express and clear will, accurate and as, to act as representatives of the people, and therefore in repudiation of the legality of the state from which we detach ourselves. You can not represent 2 antithetical bodies simultaneously, Obvious.
Then the UN stopped Russia, stating that Kosovo is not an independent but an integral territorial state of Serbia albeit under the provisional government UN.
The Kosovo case shows exactly the opposite of what they wanted to say the referendum of the Veneto region that cited as a case example, A remover recall that demonstrates the non -validity of their referendum theory.
So the setting of the Venetian referendum proposal is all wrong, recently copied Lombarda, At the base there is the total confusion between “people” E “region”.