The wild idea of independence through the regional body
4) guarantees of the state system: Even when the publication of a regional act escape the government and the commissioner to the Region,and the politicians were not blackmailed, The system has other ways to impose itself. Usually the Constitutional Court guarantees the state in unity. The Sardinia Region in 2006 tried to call one “constituent of the Sardinian people”, doing something much more subtle and legally more studied than they are proposing i “referendum” Veneti and Lombardi. In fact, the “Constituent” Sardinian would have been a new international legal entity compared to the Region Authority, therefore valid on the international level while the Region Authority cannot be: Consider the exceptional nature of the Sardinian situation, as the “region” E “people” In that case they have the same territory. Well, The subtle attempt of Sardinia was also canceled by the Constitutional Court which with sent. 365 of 2007 he reiterated an obvious thing, that is, the Region, as administrative body, It is nothing more than an operating arm of the state, limited by the Constitution in tasks and legal rights. In particular with the sentence 365 The Constitutional Court has sanctioned that a Region Authority cannot represent a people internationally. The sentence therefore implicitly rejected the theoretical assumptions underlying the Venetian resolution of 1998 and implicitly has already rejected the resolution 44 of the 2012 which are currently copied to Lombardy. On the other hand, there is analogous ruling also of the Cassation precisely on the Venetian resolution of the 1998 which establishes that that of the Region are not “people” but simple residents. Guarantor of the Italian legal system has also become the EU. With the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 The EU is also obliged to guarantee the territorial integrity of the Member States, that is, never and then could never recognize a secession if not in the case, completely hypothetical, that the same MEMBLE ME had consensually wanted a secession. That's what Barroso spoke of, of a pure absurd theoretical idea. Meanwhile, specifically of the recent resolution 44/2012 Veneto Regional Council, The delegation from this date to the Presidents of the Council and I recommend acting internationally, it is unconstitutional and clearly in Union Europe they could not have listening, as it has already happened.