The wild idea of independence through the regional body
3) constitutional constraints: The Italian Constitution in art.117 reserves international or foreign policy for the State; in fact in the second paragraph art.117 states “The state has exclusive legislation in the following matters: A) foreign policy and international relations of the state; State relations with the Union “. Therefore he does not assign any competence to the Region regarding foreign policy and this makes it clear that it is completely imaginative to think of a relationship of the region both on an international general level and with the European Union . It should be noted that even if a council or council resolution of the Region is approved for an advisory referendum of the citizens of the Region for independence, This would give the government to block the thing under the art hat. 126 Rib that says “With the motivated decree of the President of the Republic, the dissolution of the Regional Council and the removal of the President of the Council who have committed acts contrary to the Constitution or serious violations of the law are ordered.. The dissolution and removal can also be arranged for national security reasons. “. However, the Italian government probably would not dirty the image in this way by triggering an international political diatribe that would give visibility to the referendum question, but it would do as he did with the Sardinia region ( which is how the Spanish government is acting towards Catalunia) that is, a superior judge would use to block the attempt. As explained in Sardinia, it was rejected by the Constitutional Court, and the political staff author of the resolution has not had a long career. Moreover, It is easier to drop a junta with inquiries for bribes that are almost always well realistic. The Italian political class is selected to be blackmailed, And this guarantees the unit.