The wild idea of independence through the regional body
2) administrative and political constraints: there is “prefect” for each province, but there is a “prefect” for each region which takes its name “Government Commissioner to the Region”. He generally coincides with the prefect of the regional Capital City, but it has the special task of “vistare” regional laws, ie approval for publishing. if “commissioner” believes that the regional law simply in violation of the statute, or is unconstitutional, or is simply contrary to '”national interest”, può sospenderne la pubblicazione e rinviare gli atti, or ask the government what to do, e su ordine del governo può commissariare la giunta, and / or the regional council, substitute a commissioner (see below for the mechanism). Oltre a ciò, la Corte dei Conti può addebitare ai consiglieri regionali e alla giunta (as municipalities) le spese derivanti da delibere e atti compiuti dall’ente al di fuori delle prerogative statutarie. Altresì detto, se un consiglio regionale o comunale indice un referendum per l’indipendenza, the cost would then be compensated by regional directors of their own pockets, and it would be much greater than the salary gleaned in 5 anni di attività.