The Italian lawyer cannot represent the rights of the Venetians
The Italian lawyer cannot represent the rights of the Venetians !!
in 2013 lawyers have seen come into force reform of their profession.
Apart from the corporate and operations aspects, although important, I speak here of “freedom” lawyers.
In the new law the oath has changed in front of the order, which has been replaced by a “I commit”.
The new article Art. 8 establishes (Solemn commitment) :
“1. In order to practice the profession, The lawyer assumes before the Council of the Order in the public session the commitment to observe the related duties, according to the formula: «Aware of the dignity of the legal profession and its social function, I undertake to observe with loyalty, honor and diligence the duties of the profession of lawyer for the purposes of justice and to protect the ausient in the forms e according to the principles of our system».”
In practice the’ new lawyer “tidy” from the 2013 it is bound “For the purposes of justice and to protect the assisted” but only “in the forms and according to the principles of our system”.
What defense can such a lawyer operate in front of whom, come me, brings to court the illegality of the Italian Republic?
According to the new oath, the lawyer would be obliged to protect the Italian Republic Before assisted, because the lawyer must act “For the purposes of justice and to protect the assisted” but only “in the forms and according to the principles of our system“.
What are these principles? L’ Italian system, as it is known, has for principles l’ “unit” and “indivisibility” the Italian Republic , E Italian national interest. So the Italian lawyer cannot oath defend his client when he questioned these principles and asked to verify for example, as I did, that the annexation of Lombardy-Veneto was illegal.
Even worse for the lawyers who swore before the 2013. In fact, previously the lawyer swore
«I swear to fulfill my professional duties with loyalty, honor and diligence for the purposes of justice and for higher interests of the nation» ( Professional forensic law Royal Decree-Leggle, coordinated text, 27.11.1933 n° 1578 )
The “higher interests of the nation” they are a meta-legal concept, or better, are political idea triggered in the law regardless . Who establishes what are the interests of the “Italian nation”? the parliament ? the president of the Republic ? The Supreme Defense Council ? And how a Veneto can be judged impartially if these are prevailing in the trial because even his own defender must make them prevail against the interests of the assisted ?
What is certain is that if any human being, even not Italian, questioned the interests of the Italian nation in a court to protect the interests of the nation to which it belongs (In my case the Venetian nation), it could not be assisted by any lawyer lawyer, while the others simply would not even be able to juggle the procedure and the system of justice is so unworthy so much (For this reason it is convicted internationally)
Now the question becomes: how can the lawyers of the Italian order work for the rights of the “people Venetian”?
they can not, they would go against the oath lent or the commitment made.
Apart from this, Even for quiet professional living, the Italian lawyer must necessarily stay on the side of Italy : The Italian Court is still the dish on which he eats, And it cannot spit on it.
So obviously not only cannot question its own oath and therefore the Italian legal system, But in fact he will never question his work, except very rare cases which are then destroyed with various “errors” of not casual procedure. It happened to me !
At this point, the Venetians who want freedom should be wary of Italian lawyers how to warn an agent of Digos or a carabiniere etc., not for personal acrimony against these state employees, but for the simple conflict of interest and oath of fidelity of these when they face a Veneto who wants his freedom. Obviously each one must measure the person with whom he has to do.
But theoretically there is the paradox that the carabinieri and the police have sworn loyalty to something different, I believe in the state (I'm not sure) . With such an oath it is possible that state agents can conform to international law as required by the Constitution, therefore respecting the rights of the Venetian people. But in fact and for obvious reasons this also does not happen with them, Because almost nobody can simply go against their employer without paying the burning.
but, I repeat, When you swore loyalty to the Italian nation, like the lawyers who entered the order before 2013, no c’ it is precisely escape, as there does not seem to be for those who have sworn loyalty to the principles of the Constitution (including the Italian national interest) after 2012. Swear to “principles” It is much worse than to swear to the Constitution itself, because human rights are foreseen in it, But it is not obliged to respect them if they respect the “principles” like l’ national interest.
Here you don't run away: The Italian lawyer in the end cannot be on your part of the Venetian people, It will always be your potential enemy.
I recently criticized me by questioning my personal qualities, My preparation etc. etc.. Ever since I showed the groundlessness of the consultative referendum for the independence of the Veneto people, presented by 2 Italian lawyers.
Since I don't get a legal things, among other, not to be a lawyer.
I reply that from my point of view a degree in law made in many Italian universities it is better not to have it, Because culturally, one comes out of a regime, without constitutional culture and human rights, oriented only to the practice in the meanders of judicial and administrative bureaucracy.
I developed my legal culture study the great jurists like Paladin, Trabucchi and others.
International sources then have life on their own . And to know these things and then apply them certainly it is necessary not to be Italian lawyers , because if you then want to defend the Venetian people you have to become perjunct. And who swears the false once ……
If the Venetians want someone who free them with a legal cause you need to find someone without conflict of interests, otherwise before or after the risk of finding himself with a sold to represent them is strong, Certainly a perjury.
Said this, We have made several legal attempts to have justice in Italy, with more or less good lawyers who perhaps had forgotten this oath. But the result was simply that it was shown that it is not possible to protect your interests of Venetians in the Italian courts, Not so much for the lawyer, even with the previous limits, but for the Italian system itself, which has no justice in facts especially with the Venetians.
Italy is a racist country against the Venetians: It is a legally demonstrated fact.